Rodygina U.S. Psychological Features of Professional Identity in Students pp. 39–51 PDF (in rus.) 5007
Gurina R.V. Fulfillment of Students' Expectations as an Indicator of Effective Learning pp. 7–15 PDF (in rus.) 767
Feldshtein D.I. On the State and Ways of Improving the Quality of PhD Researches in Psychology and Pedagogy pp. 105–117 PDF (in rus.) 815
Bogoyavlenskaya D.B., Susokolova I.A. Foreign Researches in Psychology of Creativity: Post-Guilford Era (Part II) pp. 94–104 PDF (in rus.) 1193
Iogolevich N.I. Features of Individuality in Managers with Different Self-Actualisation Levels pp. Iogolevich PDF (in rus.) 609
Sidorov N.R. Identifying and Preventing Deviant Behaviour in Schoolchildren pp. 23–28 PDF (in rus.) 850
Sosnova I.V. Social Conditions of Development as a Determinant of Pupils' Attitude towards School pp. 69–76 PDF (in rus.) 481
Shamionov R.M. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Social Psychology of Personality in Education pp. 61–68 PDF (in rus.) 695
Sokolskaya M.V. Psychosemantic Analysis of Train Dispatchers' Attitude towards Their Profession pp. 52–60 PDF (in rus.) 640