Культурно-историческая психология (2018. Том 14. № 4 С. 30–40)
Дэниелс Гарри
PsyJournalsID: 1587
PhD, профессор, научный сотрудник, факультет образования, колледж Грин Темплтон, Оксфорд, Великобритания, harry.daniels@education.ox.ac.uk
Член редколлегии научных журналов «Психологическая наука и образование» и «Культурно-историческая психология».
Дата последнего обновления: 02.04.2024
Публикации в журналах портала PsyJournals.ru 10
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Культурно-историческая психология (2018. Том 14. № 3 С. 36–42)
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Культурно-историческая психология (2016. Том 12. № 3 С. 15–26)
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Культурно-историческая психология (2014. Том 10. № 3 С. 19–29)
Дэниелс Г., Даунис Э.
Современная зарубежная психология (2014. Том 3. № 2 С. 41–71)
Дэниелс Г.
Культурно-историческая психология (2012. Том 8. № 3 С. 70–79)
Дэниелс Г.
Психологическая наука и образование (2011. Том 16. № 1 С. 38–50)
Дэниелс Г.
Культурно-историческая психология (2010. Том 6. № 2 С. 24–33)
Дэниелс Г., Лидбеттер Д., Соарес А., МакНэб Н.
Культурно-историческая психология (2007. Том 3. № 2 С. 21–32)
Публикации в сборниках портала PsyJournals.ru 2
Дэниелс Г., Лаудер Х., Лесса А., Марголис А.А., Рубцов В.В., Шведовская А.А.
Дэниелс Г.
Другие публикации автора
- Lauder, H., Young, M., Daniels, H., Balarin, M. and Lowe, J., eds., 2011. Forthcoming. Educating for the Knowledge Economy? Critical Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Daniels, H. and Hedegaard, M., eds., 2011. Vygotsky and Special Needs Education: Rethinking Support for Children and Schools. London: Continuum.
- Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Engeström, Y., Gallagher, T. and Ludvigsen, S. R., 2009. Activity Theory in Practice: Promoting learning across boundaries and agencies. Routledge.
- Sannino, A., Daniels,H. and Gutiérrez, K. D., eds., 2009. Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Daniels, H., Lauder, H. and Porter, J., eds., 2009. Educational theories, cultures and learning: A critical perspective. London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., Lauder, H. and Porter, J., eds., 2009. Knowledge, values and educational policy: A critical perspective. London: Routledge.
- Edwards, A., Daniels, H., Gallagher, T., Leadbetter, J. and Warmington, P., 2009. Improving Inter-professional Collaborations: Multi-agency working for children's wellbeing. Oxford: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., Lauder, H. and Porter, J., eds., 2008. The Routledge Companion to Education. London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., 2008. Vygotsky and Research. London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., Cole, M. and Wertsch, J., eds., 2007. Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Moore, R., Arnot, M., Beck, J. and Daniels, H., eds., 2006. Knowledge, Power and Educational Reform: Applying the sociology of Basil Bernstein. London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H. and Garner, P., eds., 2006. Inclusive Education: World Yearbook of Education (In Japanese). Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.
- Daniels, H., 2006. Vygotsky and Pedagogy (Japanese). Osaka: Kansai University Press.
- Daniels, H., 2005. An Introduction to Vygotsky (second edition). London: Routledge..
- Yamazumi, K., Engestrom, Y. and Daniels, H., eds., 2005. New Learning Challenges: Going beyond the industrial age system of school and work. Osaka: Kansai University Press.
- Parrilla, A. and Daniels, H., 2004. Criacao e desenvolvimento de grupos de apoio entre professors. Sao Paulo: Edicoes Loyola.
- Daniels, H. and Edwards, A., eds., 2003. The Routledge Falmer Reader in the Psychology of Education. London: Routledge Falmer.
- Daniels, H., Cole, T., Sellman, E., Visser, J. and Bedward, J., 2003. Study Of Young People Permanently Excluded From School. London: DfES.
- Daniels, H., 2003. Vygotsky e a Pedagogia. Sao Paulo: Edicoes Loyola.
- Daniels, H., 2003. Vygotsky y la pedagogia. Barcelona and Madrid: Temas de Educacion and Phaidos.
- Cole, T., Sellman, E., Daniels, H. and Visser, J., 2002. The Mental Health Needs of Young People with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties - Bright Futures: Working with Vulnerable People. London: Mental Health Foundation.
- Daniels, H., ed., 2002. Uma introducao a Vygotsky. Sao Paulo: Edicoes Loyola.
- Daniels, H., Gulliford, A., Miller, C., Smith, C., Tilstone, C. and Tobin, M., eds., 2001. Effecting Change for the Child with Special Educational Needs: A Celebration of the Contribution of Profesor Ron Gulliford. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
- Visser, J., Daniels, H. and Cole, T., eds., 2001. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty in Mainstream Schools. London: Sage.
- Morais, A., Neves, I., Davies, B. and Daniels, H., 2001. Towards a sociology of pedagogy: The contribution of Basil Bernstein to research. New York: Peter Lang.
- Daniels, H., 2001. Vygotsky and Pedagogy. London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., 1999. Special Education Reformed: Inclusion - Beyond Rhetoric? London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H. and Garner, P., eds., 1999. Inclusive Education: World Yearbook of Education 1999. London: Routledge.
Разделы книг:
- Eddy Spicer, D. and Daniels, H., 2012. Forthcoming. Living and working within the institution of schooling: Authority as pedagogy of the everyday. In: Omi, Y., Rodriguez, L., Peralta, M. C. and Valsiner, J., eds. Lives and relationships: culture in transition between social roles. InfoAge Publications.
- Daniels, H., 2012. The Interface between the sociology of practice and the analysis of talk in the study of change in educational settings. In: Valsiner, J., ed. The Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 817-829.
- Lauder, H., Young, M., Daniels, H., Balarin, M. and Lowe, J., 2011. Forthcoming. Introduction. In: Lauder, H., Young, M., Daniels, H., Balarin, M. and Lowe, J., eds. Educating for the Knowledge Economy? Critical Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., 2011. Forthcoming. The ‘social’ in post-Vygotskian theory. In: Wyse, D., ed. Literacy Teaching and Learning. London: SAGE.
- Daniels, H., 2011. An approach to notions of subject position and discourse in Activity Theory. In: Kanes, C., ed. Elaborating Professionalism: Studies in Practice and Theory. London: Springer, pp. 167-182.
- Daniels, H., 2011. Support for children and schools through cultural intervention. In: Daniels, H. and Hedegaard, M., eds. Vygotsky and Special Needs Education: Rethinking Support for Children and Schools. London: Continuum, pp. 153-172.
- Daniels, H., 2010. Subject position and discourse in Activity Thoery. In: Frandji, D. and Vitale, P., eds. Knowledge, Pedagogy and Society: International Perspectives on Basil Bernstein's Sociology of Education. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., 2010. Vygotsky and Psychology. In: Goswami, U., ed. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development, 2nd Edition. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 673-697.
- Daniels, H., 2010. Analysing communicative action in institutions as it brings about change: where the cultural historical shapes the interactional. In: Yamazumi, K., ed. Activity Theory and Fostering Learning: Developmental Interventions in Education and Work. Osaka: Kansai University Press, pp. 29-61.
- Daniels, H., Leadbetter, J., Soares, A. and MacNab, N., 2010. Learning in and for cross school working. In: Siebert, B., ed. Integrative Pädagogik und die Kulturhistorische Theorie. Peter Lang.
- Daniels, H., 2010. Subject position and identity in changing workplaces. In: Singh, P., Sadovnik, A. and Semel, S., eds. Toolkits, Translation Devices and Conceptual Accounts: Essays on Basil Bernstein's Sociology of Knowledge. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 103-120.
- Daniels, H., 2010. Using and developing Activity Theory: Subject position and discourse in multi-agency settings. In: Aunio, P., Jahnukainen, M., Kallard, M. and Silvonen, J., eds. Piaget Is Dead, Vygotsky Is Still Alive, Or? Helsinki: Finnish Educational Research Association.
- Porter, J. and Daniels, H., 2010. Using non-directive research methods to explore the barriers and supports to learning. In: Prasher, V., ed. Contemporary Issues in Intellectual Disabilities. New York: Nova Science.
- Daniels, H. and Porter, J., 2009. Learning needs and difficulties among children of primary school age: definition, identification, provision and issues. In: Alexander, R., Doddington, C., Gray, L., Hargreaves, L. and Kershner, R., eds. The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys. London: Routledge, pp. 217-240.
- Sannino, A., Daniels, H. and Gutiérrez, K., 2009. Activity theory between historical engagement and future-making practice. In: Sannino, A., Daniels, H. and Gutiérrez, K. D., eds. Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory. Cambridge, pp. 1-18.
- Sannio, A., Daniels, H. and Gutierrez, K. D., 2009. Editors Introduction. In: Sannino, A., Daniels, H. and Gutiérrez, K. D., eds. Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press, xi-xxi.
- Daniels, H., 2009. Implicit or invisible mediation in the development of interagency work. In: Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Engeström , Y., Gallagher, T. and Ludvigsen , S., eds. Activity Theory in Practice: Promoting learning across boundaries and agencies. Routledge, pp. 105-125.
- Daniels, H. and Edwards, A., 2009. De positie van het subject in de activiteit: een studie in activiteitstheoretisch perspectief. In: van Oers, B., Leeman, Y. and Volman, M., eds. Burgerschapsvorming en Identiteitsontwikkeling [Civic Education and Identity formation]. Van Gorcum, pp. 149-160.
- Warmington, P., Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Leadbetter, J., Martin, D., Middleton, D., Brown, S., Popova, A. and Apostolov, A., 2009. Learning leadership in multiagency work. In: Forbes, J. and Watson, C., eds. Service Integration in Schools. Sense Publishers.
- Daniels, H., 2008. Vygotsky and inclusion. In: Hick, P., Kershner, R. and Farrell, P., eds. Psychology for Inclusive Education: New Directions in Thoery and Practice. London: Routledge, pp. 24-37.
- Daniels, H., 2008. Discourse in activity. In: Ya, O., Chebykin, G., Bedny, Z. and Karwowski, W., eds. Ergonomics and Applied Psychology: Developments in Theory and Practice. Atlanta, GA: CRC press Taylor and Francis.
- Middleton, D., Brown, S., Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Leadbetter, J. and Warmington, P., 2008. Making the Difference in Interagency Working: analytic challenges in studying professional learning in communicating what matters. In: Candlin, C. and Sarangi, S., eds. Handbook of Applied Linguistics Communication in Professions and Organisations. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter..
- Daniels, H., 2008. Positionnement du sujet et discourse dans la theorie de l'activite. In: Frandji, D. and Vitale, P., eds. Actualite de Basil Bernstein: Savoir, Pedagogie et Societe. Rennes: Presses Universtaires de Rennes.
- Daniels, H., 2008. Reflections on points of departure in the development of sociocultural and activity theory. In: van Oers, B., Elbers, E., van der Veer, R. and Wardekker, W., eds. The Transformation Of Learning: Perspectives from Activity Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Daniels, H. and Porter, J., 2008. Self Assessment as Preparation for Participation. In: Lascioli, A., ed. Pedagogia speciale in Europa: Problematiche e stato della ricerca. Verona: FrancoAngeli.
- Daniels, H., Cole, M. and Wertsch, J., 2007. Editors Introduction. In: Daniels, H., Cole, M. and Wertsch, J., eds. Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky. New York: Cambridge University Press , pp. 1-20.
- Warmington, P., Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Leadbetter, J., Martin, D., Middleton, D., Brown, S., Popova, A. and Apostolov, A., 2007. Learning leadership in multiagency work for integrating services into schools. In: Forbes, J., ed. How Service integration is operating in practice in the Scotland, Northern Ireland and England and Wales policy contexts. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen.
- Daniels, H., 2007. Pedagogy. In: Daniels, H., Cole, M. and Wertsch, J., eds. Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky. New York: Cambridge University Press , pp. 307-332.
- Daniels, H., 2006. Activity discourse and pedagogic change. In: Moore, R., Arnot, M., Beck, J. and Daniels, H., eds. Knowledge, Power and Educational Reform: Applying the sociology of Basic Bernstein. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 163-178.
- Daniels, H., Leadbetter, J., Soares, A. and MacNab, N., 2006. Learning in and for cross school working. In: Yamazumi, K., ed. Building Activity Theory in Practice: toward the next generation. Osaka: Kansai University Press.
- Daniels, H., 2005. Exploring interagency approaches. In: Bryson, P., ed. Not Included? Belfast: Save The Children Fund.
- Daniels, H., 2005. Introduction. In: Daniels, H., ed. An Introduction to Vygotsky. London.: Routledge..
- Daniels, H., Brown, S., Edwards, A., Leadbetter, J., Middleton, D., Parsons, S., Popova, A. and Warmington, P., 2005. Studying Professional Learning for Inclusion. In: Yamazumi, K., Engestrom, Y. and Daniels, H., eds. New Learning Challenges: Going beyond the industrial age system of school and work. Osaka: Kansai University Press.
- Cole, T., Daniels, H. and Visser, J., 2005. The mental health needs of pupils with EBD. In: Williams, R. and Kerfoot, M., eds. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
- Daniels, H., 2005. The transformation of teachers’ work in and for inclusive practice. In: Yamazumi, K., ed. International Symposium on new Learning Challenges. Osaka: Kansai University.
- Daniels, H., Creese, A., Hey, V. and Leonard, D., 2004. Gendered learning identity in two modalities of pedagogic discourse. In: Muller, J., Davies, B. and Morais, A., eds. Reading Bernstein, Researching Bernstein. London: Routledge Falmer.
- Daniels, H., Hey, V., Leonard, D. and Smith, M., 2004. Issues of equity in special needs education as seen from the perspective of gender. In: Mitchell, D., ed. Special educational needs and inclusive education: Major themes in education. Volume I: Systems and contexts. London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Daniels, H., Derry, J., Rahman, R., Young, A. and James, N., 2004. Learning about cancer: Initial findings from a study of the acceptability and usefulness of the web as a cancer information resource. In: Miles, A., ed. The effective management of renal cell carcinoma. London : Medical Press .
- Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Martin, D., Leadbetter, J., Brown, S. and Middleton, D., 2004. The transformation of teachers’ work in and for inclusive practice. In: Vadeboncoeur, J. and Jervis-Tracey, P., eds. Crossing Boundaries: Perspectives across paradigms in educational research. Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.
- Hey, V., Creese, A., Daniels, H., Fielding, S., Leonard, D. and Smith, M., 2001. Sad, bad or sexy: girls talk in and out of the classroom. In: Martino, W. and Meyenn, B., eds. What about the Boys: Issues of Masculinity in Schools. Open University Press.
- Daniels, H., 2001. Bernstein and Vygotsky: Researching institutional effects in sociocultural theory. In: Power, S., Aggleton, P., Brannen, J., Brown, A., Chisholm, L. and Mace, J., eds. A tribute to Basil Bernstein 1924 – 2000. London: Institute of Education.
- Daniels, H., 2001. Reflection. In: Clough, P. and Corbett, J., eds. Thoeries of Inclusive Education: A Student's Guide. London: Sage, pp. 80-83.
- Norwich, B. and Daniels, H., 2001. Teacher Support Teams for special educational needs in primary schools. In: Wearmouth, J., ed. Special Educational Provision in the Context of Inclusion. London: Open University Press.
- Daniels, H., Creese, A., Fielding, S., Hey, V., Leonard, D. and Smith, M., 2001. The gendering of social practices in special needs education. In: Hedegaard, M., ed. Learning in Classrooms. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
- Parrilla, A. and Daniels, H., 2000. Diversidad y educacio: El asesoramiento pedagogico como estrategia de cambio. In: Estebaranz, A., ed. Construyendo el cambio: Perspectivas y propuestas de innovacion educativa. Sevilla: University de Sevilla.
- Visser, J., Cole, T. and Daniels, H., 2000. Modelling the caring learning school. In: Ruoho, K., ed. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Joensuun Yliopisto: University of Joensuu.
- Cole, T., Visser, J. and Daniels, H., 2000. Proficient schooling for pupils with EBD: an Activity Theory approach to research. In: Ruoho, K., ed. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Joensuun Yliopisto: University of Joensuu.
- Daniels, H., Cole, T. and Visser, J., 2000. Values and behaviour in education: an Activity Theory approach to research. In: Ruoho, K., ed. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Joensuun Yliopisto: University of Joensuu.
- Daniels, H., 1999. Issues of equity in special needs education as seen from the perspective of gender. In: Daniels, H., ed. Special Education Reformed: Inclusion - Beyond Rhetoric? London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H., 1999. Supporting collaborative problem solving in schools. In: Daniels, H., ed. Special Education Reformed: Inclusion - Beyond Rhetoric? London: Routledge.
- Daniels, H. and Garner, P., 1999. Introduction to the paperback edition of Inclusive Education: New challenges for the new millenium. In: Daniels, H. and Garner, P., eds. Inclusive Education: World Yearbook of Education 1999. London: Routledge.