Study of the Connection between Personal Resources and Psychological Well-being of Students at the Initial Stage of University Education



The study on the psychological well-being of students is becoming one of the key priorities in educational institutions, especially during changes in society. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between personal and family resources and the psychological well-being and life satisfaction of student youth. The following methods were used in the study: Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being, Life Satisfaction Scale, Well-Being Index, Tolerance-intolerance of Ambiguity Questionnaire, Hardiness Survey, General Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Self-Control Scale, Life Meaning Orientations Test, Author’s questionnaire with 15 questions and a closed list of possible answers. 41 students aged 18 to 21 years took part in measurements using these methods. The study was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, possible correlations between psychological well-being and indicators of personal and family resources were assessed for the entire group of respondents. At the second stage, in order to differentiate students by level of psychological well-being, two groups were identified: students with a high level of psychological well-being and students with a low level of psychological well-being. Mathematical and statistical analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics, the Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman correlation analysis, ranking procedures, and the method of constructing regularized networks of partial correlations. The study found that students with high levels of life satisfaction and psychological well-being exhibited more pronounced personal resources, such as self-efficacy, vitality, control and a positive attitude towards others and themselves. They also have clear goals in life and are quite satisfied with their implementation. A connection has been established between students' well-being and tolerance for uncertainty. The higher the level of psychological well-being, the more students are inclined to accept uncertainty, change and strive to solve complex problems. The results of the study emphasize the importance of personal and family resources, as well as students' positive attitudes towards themselves and others in achieving a high level of psychological well-being. They also indicate the importance for psychological well-being of the factor of tolerance to uncertainty associated with good health and the desire to develop and solve difficult life problems. The preservation of the psychological well-being of young people in educational settings is facilitated not only by the increase in personal resources, but also by the functional role of the teacher, thoughtful, well-organized design of the educational environment.

General Information

Keywords: psychological well-being, personal resource, family resource, self-efficacy, vitality, control, tolerance for uncertainty

Journal rubric: Data Analysis

Article type: scientific article


Received: 15.11.2023


For citation: Persiyantseva S.V., Artemenkov S.L. Study of the Connection between Personal Resources and Psychological Well-being of Students at the Initial Stage of University Education. Modelirovanie i analiz dannikh = Modelling and Data Analysis, 2023. Vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 23–44. DOI: 10.17759/mda.2023130402. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Svetlana V. Persiyantseva, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology, Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Age-related Psychogenetics, Federal Scientific Center Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Creativity and Giftedness, Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education (PI RAE), Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Sergei L. Artemenkov, PhD in Engineering, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Informatics and Multimedia Technologies, Head of the Center of Information Technologies for Psychological Research of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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