The "Modeling and Data Analysis" journal was established to share results of academic, exploratory and action-oriented data science and mathematical modeling researches, as well as implementing discovered fundamental principles in software development for addressing not only technical but also humanitarian matters.
The journal generating considerable scientific and practical interest for broad range of specialists in data applied math and computer science.
Mass Media Registration Certificate: PI № FS77-66444 Registry date 14.07.2016.
ISSN (print): 2219-3758
ISSN (online): 2311-9454
Frequency: 4 times a year
Published since 2011
Full-text electronic version available at
English metadata available starting from 2019
We do not charge any submission or publication fees.
Open Access Journal
This is an open access journal. All content is available for non-commercial purposes without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose citing the source. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
License Terms:All materials in this journal are licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License: users are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, remix, transform, and build upon the material as long as they give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Users may not use the materials for commercial purposes.
Modelling and Data Analysis journal is a peer-reviewed scientific periodical, registered in accordance with the procedure established by law as a mass media.
The main content of the publication is original articles, scientific reviews and commentaries.
Peer review: Every submitted paper that complies with our general requirements undergoes the procedure of double-blind peer review. All reviewers are acknowledged experts about peer-reviewed materials.
Journal website: Abstracts, keywords and information about authors are publicly available in Russian and English languages for all published materials. Full texts of all papers are available as well. The website also provides information about the Publisher (see Publisher), Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board (see Editorial Board), Editorial Council, Aims & Scope, and contact information both in Russian and in English.
The official website of the journal:
RSCI: The journal is registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (see Publication in RSCI) and regularly provides information about the articles published in this index. Two-year impact factor of publication in the RSCI is 0,214 (date accessed: 06.08.2019).
Editorial Board/Council: The journal’s Editorial Board and Editorial Council includes 24 experts with various academic degrees (Candidate of Science, Doctor of Science or equivalent qualifications) engaged in research or teaching in higher education. The list of the Editorial Board and/or Editorial Council members is published in each issue of the journal and on its official website in Russian and English, with an indication of their academic degrees.
Publishing standards: All published materials contain information about the authors, their place of work and the necessary contact details. Keywords and abstracts in English and Russian languages are mandatory when publishing scientific articles in Russian. All published articles must include reference lists drawn up in accordance with the rules of publication, based on the requirements specified in the existing standards. Guidelines for submitting, reviewing and publishing manuscripts are available on the official website of the journal.
The journal is covered in various Russian and international indexing databases.
The journal is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the List of leading scientific journals and publications for the publication of scientific results of dissertation research, peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of Doctor of sciences should be published. It was incorporated in 2023.
Journal’s scope (according to the list of scientific branches):
- 1.2.2. – Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages (Technical Sciences). Since 26.01.2023.
- 1.2.2. – Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages (Physical and Mathematical Sciences). Since 26.01.2023.
- 2.3.1. – System Analysis, Information Management and Processing, Statistics (Technical Sciences). Since 26.01.2023.
- 2.3.1. – System Analysis, Information Management and Processing, Statistics (Physical and Mathematical Sciences). Since 26.01.2023. Since 26.01.2023.
- 2.3.5. – Mathematical and Software Support for Computing Systems, Complexes and Computer Networks (Technical Sciences). Since 26.01.2023.
- 2.3.5. – Mathematical and Software Support for Computing Systems, Complexes and Computer Networks (Physical and Mathematical Sciences). Since 26.01.2023.
Website Mass Media Registration Certificate:
Title: Modelling and Data Analysis
Mass Media Registration Certificate: ПИ № ФС77-66444 Registry date 14.07.2016
Editorial Office: 29 Sretenka Street, Moscow, Russia 127051
Journal topics: Educational, scientific.
Distribution form: periodical, journal.
Languages: Russian, English
Territory of distribution: Russian Federation, foreign countries
Founder: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education