An Approach to Assessing the Features of a Tutor's Professional Competence in an Inclusive Education: A Pilot Study



The work solved the problems of substantiating the approach to the study of the features of the professional competence of a tutor (teaching assistant) in the conditions of inclusive education and conducting a pilot study of the basic components of competence: motivational-attitude, cognitive, behavioral, and reflective-evaluative ones. The methods used in international studies for studying subjective predictors of the implementation of inclusive practices by teachers served as a prototype for using a number of self-assessment tools in studying the basic components of tutor competence, including four questionnaires: ‘Attitude towards inclusion’, ‘Intention to implement inclusive practices’, ‘Efficiency of a tutor accompanying students with health deficiencies and disabilities in an inclusive education’, ‘Difficulties of the tutor in the implementation of tutor support in the conditions of inclusion’. The sample of this study is represented by 313 respondents (mean age 33.6±13.9; men — 9.6%, women — 90.4%), including 41 students of secondary vocational education organizations, and 272 students of higher education, among them there were 67 working tutors. All respondents answered the same questionnaires remotely using the ‘Anketolog’ system. Data analysis included an exploratory factorial analysis of each questionnaire, a check of their internal consistency, and a correlation analysis of relationships between all questionnaires. Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.76 to 0.94, which indicates sufficient internal consistency of the questionnaires. Correlation analysis confirms the nature of the relationships of the original questionnaires previously obtained in international studies. Factor analysis made it possible to identify both the ‘Intention to implement inclusive practices’ questionnaire and the ‘Efficiency of a tutor accompanying students with health deficiencies and disabilities in an inclusive education’ questionnaire, two factors each, reflecting the specifics of the work of tutors, which, apparently, can be associated with their support for the agency of students with disabilities. This possible sensitivity to this aspect of tutoring allows us to expect that these questionnaires can become a useful tool for studying subjective readiness and ability as components of tutoring professional competence of future and working professionals in an inclusive education environment.

General Information

Keywords: inclusive readiness, professional competence, secondary vocational education, higher education, educational environment, tutor, students with disabilities, social-cognitive learning, theory of planned behavior

Journal rubric: Methods and Techniques

Article type: scientific article


Funding. The study was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 01/21/2022 No. 073-00110-22-01 “Scientific and methodological justification and development of a tutor training program to accompany students with disorders, with disabilities in accordance with the professional standard ‘Education Specialist’”.

Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to L.M. Prokopyeva for preparing the digital version of the questionnaire and statistical processing of the obtained data.

Received: 12.05.2022


For citation: Shemanov A.Yu., Samsonova E.V., Bystrova Yu.A., Kutepova E.N. An Approach to Assessing the Features of a Tutor's Professional Competence in an Inclusive Education: A Pilot Study [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2022. Vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 233–263. DOI: 10.17759/cpse.2022110410. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Alexey Y. Shemanov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Special Psychology and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Clinical and Special Psychology, Leading Researcher, Scientific Laboratory of the Federal Center for the Development of Inclusive General and Additional Education, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Elena V. Samsonova, PhD in Psychology, Leading Researcher of the Federal Center for the Development of Inclusive General and Additional Education, head of the master's program "Tutor support in inclusive education", Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Yuliya A. Bystrova, Doctor of Psychology, Assistant Professor, Leading Researcher, Scientific and Methodological Center of the Institute of Inclusive Education Problems, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Elena N. Kutepova, PhD in Education, Associate Director Institute of Inclusive Education Problems, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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