Identical spatio-temporal patterns of rapid motor-cortex activation for action-related nouns and verbs: MEG study*
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* The work was supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. Contract №16.518.11.7088.
Рубрика издания: Poster presentation abstracts
Тип материала: научная статья
Для цитаты: Строганова Т.А., Буторина А.В., Николаева А.Ю., Shtyrov Y. Identical spatio-temporal patterns of rapid motor-cortex activation for action-related nouns and verbs: MEG study [Электронный ресурс] // Международный симпозиум по нейроимиджингу: фундаментальные исследования и клиническая практика. URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025)
Фрагмент статьи
Perception of action verbs is known to selectively activate the respective representations in the motor cortex at the early stage of word recognition. We investigated, for the first time, whether the action nouns follow the same spatial-temporal activation patterns as that known for action verbs. Furthermore, we aimed to specify, using distributed source modeling of MEG data, whether the action words activate primary and/or secondary areas of motor cortex as well as the time-course of this activation.
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