Distance education in russia: development and implementation of distance educationprogram at the moscow state university of psychology and education
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Ключевые слова: distance education (DE), electronic books, video lectures, electronic dean, teaching students with limited physical capabilities, information technology
Рубрика издания: Психологические проблемы образования в условиях информатизации и компьютеризации общества
Тип материала: материалы конференции
Для цитаты: Айсмонтас Б.Б. Distance education in russia: development and implementation of distance educationprogram at the moscow state university of psychology and education // Психология образования в XXI веке: теория и практика.
Полный текст
Background. The Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE) was established in 1997 on the basis of the Psychological Institute (founded in 1912) – the first in Russia and third in Europe. Today the Psychological Institution of the Russian Academy of Education and MSUPE have been combined into a single research and educational complex “Psychology.”
Distance education program has been implemented at the MSUPE over seven years. Since its establishment in 2005 MSUPE distance education (DE) program has been growing rapidly and becoming more popular not only in Moscow but also across the regions and Europe and North America. The foundation of DE program at the MSUPE based on quality and strong educational excellence and the DE program has been executed by using Shell for Formation of Distributed learning and Controlling Systems (SFDlCS) and Tool for Systematization and Storage of Information (TSSI). In order for implementing this especial program the faculty of distance education (FDE) was established in 2006. During this period, a realistic model of distance education program for psychology has been developed by using SFDlCS and TSSI.
Distance Education Model and Psychology. Many elaborations in the development of distance education programs were carried out during the implementation of innovative education program ‘creation of psychological education system at MSUPE as a fundamental resource centre for practical psychology’ in 2007–2008 under the national priority project ‘Education’.
Some important features of the model of distance education program of psychology at MSUPE:
- significant amount of autonomous work;
- high self-organization and responsibility:
- ability to plan and work independently;
- strong determination and intrinsic motivation to achieve success;
- willingness to change mentality and stereotypes and forms of active learning (technological flexibility);
- experience in working with Information Technologies (ITs) on electronic media;
- interactive, a focus on democratic relationships in communication with teachers, staffs, parents, students and other stakeholders; and
- installation on the internal control by applying ‘pending’ mode of control of teachers.
MSUPE and creation an open education system. The quality of distance education is largely depends on the level of training and methodological support. A wide range of educational materials have been developed at the faculty of distance education for last half a decade. On the basis of these educational and methodological packages (EMP) electronic form (electronic books) are formulated in. At present, more than 30 electronic books have been developed. A number of them (10) were developed by the MSUPE together with the Peoples’ Friendship University, Russia (PFUR) (software and technical implementation) under the federal program “Development, approval and testing of the network of educational systems of electronic tools to support the teaching of basic invariant disciplines for the specialties relevant to the field of preparation 020400, 52000 “ in accordance with the federal program of Ministry of Education “Creating an open education system’’.
Interactive teaching materials. The followings are included in electronic textbooks on fundamental academic disciplines: curriculum, textbook, a reader, systematic interactive tests, guidelines for electronic textbooks, reference information (dictionary, organizer, Internet resources), and other materials.
Special feature of this EMP is that all its elements are based on a unified approach to the subject matter and structure of the educational materials.
The main content of the EMP is presented in the textbook. A list of key terms and concepts are provided on completion of each topic. At the same time, questions and tasks for self –testing and revision of material, as well topics of essays and/or term papers, list of educational literature are given to students. All of these didactic-educational elements are presented in the curriculum. EMP is an integral part of a collection of problems and exercises. It is intended for better assimilation of the theoretical material of textbooks. As a result, tasks and exercises correspond to the logic of studying particular subject in the semester.
Collections of reading materials are prepared in full conformity with the structure of the course. While preparing this collection of reading materials special attention have been given so that the contents of the course reflect contemporary educational and pedagogical psychology. This approach gave the possibility of objective criterion in evaluating practical significance of the majority of the theoretical works.
Course materials contain a large number of information and reference materials. Biographical and other details about the most famous scientists and researchers in the field of psycho-pedagogical issues are cited not only in the textbooks but also in the collections. Internet resources are integrated as the main sources of information which are thoroughly recommended in the whole course.
Supplementary elements of the package are glossary and concepts, which (along with brief definitions already given in text textbook) explain basic concepts and terminology of educational psychology.
In addition, a number of additional teaching materials are being developed and constantly carried out training of teachers to clarify these and their use in the educational process.
Psychological Media library (educational-cognitive, non-fiction films in psychology and pedagogy, video clips of scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc.) has been developed at the FDE. Online video conferences and seminars are used extensively for training purposes on various aspects and areas of psychology.
Extensive audio and video materials. One of the major components of educational and methodical support of distance education is video courses (including lectures) by leading university professors on psychology and other disciplines at the bachelor’s degree programs in psychology. At present, the faculty of distance education at MSUPE has prepared more than 35 video courses of such lectures. They include presentations, information and reference (titles, short biography, conceptual and terminological unit) and other materials.
To improve the quality of practical experience of students various video tutorials are created on psycho-diagnostic, professional counselling, remedial and developing and other techniques. Currently, more than 10 such video tutorials have been developed and many in the process. These educational materials are presented in different ways such as: the real video conversations of diagnostics and counselling, video-comments on various aspects of these activities based on specific techniques, stimulus materials, etc. In order to create them more effectively special training and teaching materials are developed for teachers by the faculty of distance education at MSUPE.
Introductory course materials on DVD for the new students have been developed for improving the overall quality of distance education program. These are designed to develop the skills for independent academic work and improving performance of various types of writing (control test, other tasks and exams) works. They offer all the necessary guidance, training and educational methods on various aspects of distance learning at MSUPE.
Other key factures. Among other essential features of distance education programs at MSUPE include the followings:
- students are fully equipped with electronic textbooks and multimedia learning materials, introductory information, and reference materials which are necessary for all academic disciplines;
- the educational process is organized through Internet technologies and is based on independent student work (if they want they can attend lectures of all forms of learning at MSUPE);
- learning is carried out on students’ individual plans i.e., students move on as they want which allow them to make a better study plan by considering their own strengths and weaknesses;
- submission of control tests and examinations are often taken place face-to-face at the university campus (for students in Moscow) on a flexible schedule;
- enrolment of new students is carried out continuously all the year round; and it is possible to reduce program duration by pre-taking test on various subjects (based on previous background or second higher professional education).
At the beginning of the semester or course every student receives a complete package of CDs and DVDs with teaching materials for a semester (learning CD-ROMs, electronic textbooks, video lectures, video tutorials, and supplementary materials). Students keep these materials for their regular use during the course. In learning CD-ROMs on each subjects student can have the followings: information about teachers, curriculum, electronic textbooks, electronic anthology, and reference materials. As we know that the essence of distance learning is students’ individual work. Therefore, a great attention is paid to the development of clear and understandable guidelines so that students can continue their study independently.
International programs in Europe and NorthAmerica and ongoing research. MSUPE is actively developing international programs with many leading foreign universities in the field of psychology and distance learning. One of these leading joint programs is with the Open University of Israel, where many Russians living in Israel study psychology in two programs: Bachelor’s of Social Sciences and Humanities (The Open University of Israel) and Bachelor of Psychology (MSUPE).Ajoint program of bachelor’s degree in psychology is undergoing with the University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. By following a bilateral contract with the Open University of the Netherlands research on new technologies and methods of distance learning are carried out in different spheres (e.g., the creation of virtual laboratories in psychology). MSUPE is an active partner in the exchange of experiences on a two-tier system of training of psychologists patronized by the german Psychological Society. Daugavpils University, latvia and MSUPE are jointly organizing a school of young scientists. The process is going on in developing a project of open representative of MSUPE on distance education in latvia. Educational centre ‘Rutenija’, lithuania has been promoting the development of distance education programs of MSUPE in lithuania.
Research programs are developed and implemented to study the effectiveness of distance education for improving the quality of overall distance education program at MSUPE. In relation to that an extensive questionnaire is developed for measuring the quality of electronic textbooks, video lectures, and various aspects of distance learning. Based on the findings from the study, training programs are organized, materials are recycled, and teachers are retrained on a regular basis to maintain the high standard in overall education system.
Distance Education for physically challenged. The Faculty of distance education has been offering distance bachelor program for physically challenged students since 2006. At present, 80 students with different physical and mental problems are studying in the faculty. Not only for students with limited physical capabilities and but also for self-financing students who are studying in distance program Internet broadcasting lectures take place routinely in the classroom environment at MSUPE through SFDlCS. Any physically challenged students can take final tests and exams through videoconferencing technology
developed by the faculty of distance education.
Psycho-pedagogical rehabilitation program is developed for physically challenged students; regular counselling is carried out with parents, students living in other regions of Russia and other countries.
Conclusion. In the twenty-first century, the federal government’s role has become one of ensuring provision of the infrastructure to support new technologies as all sectors and institutions become distance providers. MSUPE is expanding its international provision of education as more stable technologies make interactive teaching at a distance possible and acceptable to students in other countries, particularly with our closest neighbours in Europe where distance education has been developing dramatically for last decade or so.
Russia’s history of distance education has provided lessons in successful organization and administration as well as establishment of student support that has ensured a level of quality and commitment to quality in distance provision. Integration of new technology in distance education is vital and also proper implementation of these techniques in real learning and teaching environments. Technology can’t replace human being so human psychology must be considered while developing materials and MSUPE has been doing this since its inception. Discussion forum is widely used in the educational process and plays a great role in three dimensional communications among teachers, administrators and students. In the forum students, faculty and staff of the distance education discussed on the following three areas:
- general questions of educational process, problems of students’self-organization and autonomous work;
- study of separate educational disciplines;
- personal problems of students (anonymously); As experience shows this form of communication is quite effective in distance education program. Currently virtual learning laboratories are being developed in psychology. They are designed with many cognitive processes (memory, thinking, perception, etc.). Within these laboratories, many psycho-diagnostic and counselling methodologies are being computerized.
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