The Relevance of Information Literacy and Academic Writing in Foreign Language Education
Nowadays information literacy (IL) is an indispensable competence as information is ubiquitous and overwhelming. This competence is required in all spheres and should be constantly improved. The article aims to pinpoint the opportunities of integrating information literacy into academic writing as the latter is one of the fundamental skills that students acquire and expand throughout most of the University courses. To attain the goal the authors reviewed various interpretations of the duration "information literacy" stated by different researchers, designed and realized assignments aimed at integrating information literacy and academic writing, carried out a preliminary analysis of the results obtained, and formulated perspectives for further research. Information literacy is an integral portion of bachelor, master, and PhD courses. It can be implemented in all educational forms, namely, individual, pair, group, and class activities. One of the fruitful prospects for further research is designing courses and programmes for teachers to involve them in more active information literacy integration into the educational process.
Общая информация
Рубрика издания: Интеллектуальные технологии в гуманитарной сфере и образовании
Тип материала: материалы конференции
Для цитаты: Мейрамова С.А., Сулейменова Г.Т., Кнежевич Р., Тусупбекова М.Ж. The Relevance of Information Literacy and Academic Writing in Foreign Language Education // Цифровая гуманитаристика и технологии в образовании (DHTE 2024): сб. статей V международной научно-практической конференции. 14—15 ноября 2024 г. / Под ред. В.В. Рубцова, М.Г. Сороковой, Н.П. Радчиковой М.: Издательство ФГБОУ ВО МГППУ, 2024. С. 445–452.
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