Developing Self-Learning Ability in Persons with Disabilities: Pedagogical Support in Inclusive Higher Education Developing Self-Learning Ability in Persons with Disabilities: Pedagogical Support in Inclusive Higher Education



The article considers methods of pedagogical assistance in forming the capacity for self-education of persons with disabilities, which is an essential component of the success of their inclusive education in higher education programs. It is shown that the importance of such pedagogical assistance is growing in connection with the need to take into account the difficulties associated with individual educational needs and the limited health possibilities of students. The basis of this activity in the presented concept is the training on adapted educational programs of higher education and the inclusion in their content of special adaptation modules aimed at motivating, understanding professional and life problems, building models of probable individual educational trajectories, developing sustainable skills in scientific organization of independent educational and cognitive activities, including the use of modern information and communication technologies of assistive appointment and distance educational technologies. With the help of the presented technology of pedagogical assistance, trainees with disabilities acquire the ability to self-education and self-development. This lays the foundation for an independent, active and creative life, the implementation of professional activities in the dynamically changing realities of the world of knowledge and the nature of the professions.

General Information

Keywords: higher education, inclusive education, persons with disabilities, pedagogical assistance, self-education, adapted program

Publication rubric: Outcomes of Research in IInclusive Higher Education

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Martynova E.A., Romanenkova D.F. Developing Self-Learning Ability in Persons with Disabilities: Pedagogical Support in Inclusive Higher Education Developing Self-Learning Ability in Persons with Disabilities: Pedagogical Support in Inclusive Higher Education. Developing inclusive higher education: the network approach,, pp. 40–46.


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Information About the Authors

Elena A. Martynova, Doctor of Education, Professor, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, e-mail:

Daria F. Romanenkova, PhD in Education, Associate Professor, Deputy Head, Resource Educational and Methodical Center for the Education of People with Disabilities, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, e-mail:



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