Abramenko A.Y. Technologies of work with disadvantaged children in The Children’s Help Center (DasStädttischeKinderhilfzentrum), Düsseldorf PDF (in rus.) 918
Aruin S.E. Project “Bridge” – collaboration in the question of education between East European parents-migrants & kindergartens in Düsseldorf PDF (in rus.) 724
Chernushevich V.A. Folklore & folk games as psych correctional instrument of legal psychology PDF (in rus.) 1032
Chirkina R.V. German-Russian exchange of experience in the field of juvenile technologies: based on the project " Childhood under the protection" PDF (in rus.) 919
Chirkina R.V., Shevtsova N.A., Erastova A.S., Temeznikova O.B. Legal & psychological help Institutes for violence & crime victims in Germany PDF (in rus.) 888
Debolsky M.G. Arrest as type of penalty & abilities of its use towards juvenile delinquents in Russia PDF (in rus.) 1131
Ivanova A.V. State & society approaches to response on juvenile delinquency & its role in maturing & values building of adolescents PDF (in rus.) 800
Konovalov A.Y. School reconciliation institute & work of mediator in multiethnic context PDF (in rus.) 1473
Podushkina T.G., Milovanova E.A. Analysis of principal definitions between the systems of adolescent assistance in Germany & Russia PDF (in rus.) 1142
Puetz E. Brief introduction into German practice of juvenile penal law & use of arrest in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany PDF (in rus.) 728
Velikotskaya A. Restorative justice programs influence on adolescent self-consciousness PDF (in rus.) 873
Gerasimov A.V., Prokopishin R.A., Konopleva I.N. Possibilities of applicacion of Lüscher color test for studying emotional attitude of the youth towards the problems of drugs & drug addicted PDF (in rus.) 1389