Psychology and Law

[Psikhologiya i pravo]
WoS Scopus

Author Guide


Short guidelines for authors of the online journal "Psychology and law"

  1. Original article should be up to 25 000 characters with blanks included;
  2. The submission must include the abstract (1000-1200 characters with blanks included);
  3. Key words (7-10 words);
  4. Each citing source listed in the reference must be indicated in the text in square brackets [2], in case of quotation the page should be also indicated [2, p.112
  5. Reference style:

1. Book:
Asmolov А.G. Cultural – historical psychology and construction of the worlds. M., 1996. 528 p.

2. Article:
Poddyakov A.N. Philosophy of education: problem of counteraction // Voprosy philosofii. 1999. № 8. 119-128 pp.

3. Web document:
Lefevre V.A. Conflicting structures M., 2000. Online version:

4. Poddyakov A.N. The image of the world and the questions of consciousness of learning: a modern context // Voprosy psychologii. 2003. № 2. Online version