Pastushenya A.N. Psychological characteristic of individual and social legal consciousness: the structural-conceptual aspect PDF (in rus.) 1526
Kokurin A.V. Socio-psychological climate of units in extra risky professions (on the example of special forces unit of Russian correctional system) PDF (in rus.) 1065
Kovalchishina S., Kovalchishina N.I. Research of psychological peculiaritites of formation of professional identity of students of investigative-criminalistic department PDF (in rus.) 1009
Bobkova I.E. On the problem of psychological support of professional development of heads of departments of territorial internal affairs bodies on the primary stage of management career (principles, aims, tasks, methods) PDF (in rus.) 896
Kokurin A.V., Kokurina I.V. A characteristic of persons convicted for crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom, who now serve criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment in Russia PDF (in rus.) 1299
Lefterov V.A. Experimental research of effectiveness of “Training on professional psychological training for employees of internal affairs bodies” PDF (in rus.) 1028
Vakhnina V.V. On the problem of overcoming crises of negotiative activity in the practice of internal affairs bodies PDF (in rus.) 1216
Remeeva A.F., Kolotova Y.Z. Specifics of fears of children from problem families and their correction PDF (in rus.) 2617
Kabanova T.N., Bulygina V.G. The role of subjective assessments of mental patients in the forming of commitment to treatment and prevention of repeated socially dangerous acts PDF (in rus.) 1021
Bovina I.B., Panova T.B., Malysheva N.G., Abrosimova T.V. HIV-infection and the HIV-infected: peculiarities of social perceptions in two age groups PDF (in rus.) 1036
Kolokolov A.V. Relationship of cognitive distortions and personal qualities of pedophiles PDF (in rus.) 1141