Psychological characteristic of individual and social legal consciousness: the structural-conceptual aspect



The contribution examines the phenomena of individual legal consciousness as an internal determinant of legally significant behavior - lawful or unlawful. It presents a complex of its main components (features) which are the most important in determination of legal orientation of social behavior. It also enunciates their conceptual characteristics which reflect opposite tendencies - law-abiding and unlawful orientation of legal consciousness. It describes the main spheres of legally significant behavior which envelop the content of legal consciousness. Basing on the structure of individual legal consciousness the author examines the phenomenology of social legal consciousness as an internal determinant of legal order in the society and its extreme - crime. The contribution points out the reflection of the social legal consciousness in the individual, which has a forming influence and which shows one of the mechanisms of integration of individual psychological phenomena into the socio-psychological. It also marks the prospects of applied research of this problem.

General Information

Keywords: individual legal consciousness, social legal consciousness, features of legal consciousness, content of the features of legal consciousness, flaws of legal consciousness

Journal rubric: Methodological Problems of Legal Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Pastushenya A.N. Psychological characteristic of individual and social legal consciousness: the structural-conceptual aspect [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2012. Vol. 2, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

A. N. Pastushenya, Doctor of Psychology, professor, head of chair of psychology and pedagogics, Academy of the Ministry of the Interior, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus



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