On the problem of psychological support of professional development of heads of departments of territorial internal affairs bodies on the primary stage of management career (principles, aims, tasks, methods)



The contribution examines some problems of psychological support of heads of departments of territorial internal affairs bodies on the primary stage of management career. In particular, the author identifies the main principles of psychological support of employees who are for the first time appointed on a managerial position, analyses opinions of specialists who carry out psychological support of educational process. The author states that today thorough investigation of questions of psychological support in internal affairs bodies is becoming more and more relevant. In the context of examination of questions of psychological support of novice managers of internal affairs bodies the contribution identifies and justifies the main directions of psychologist’s activity (research and generalization of leading scientific theories and concepts on the studied topic, development and implementation of psychodiagnostic complex, counseling psychology, professional psychological preparation, relaxation). In the context of general tasks of psychological service of internal affairs bodies the author examines the main aims of psychological support of novice subjects of managing activity.

General Information

Keywords: psychological support, manager, primary stage of management career, psychodiagnostics, socio-psychological research, counseling psychology, psychological preparation, adaptation to post, correctional and developing measures.

Journal rubric: Psychology of Professional Activity

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Bobkova I.E. On the problem of psychological support of professional development of heads of departments of territorial internal affairs bodies on the primary stage of management career (principles, aims, tasks, methods) [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2012. Vol. 2, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

I. E. Bobkova, adjunct, chair of psychology, pedagogics and personnel work organization, department of training of educational research staff, Academy of management, Russian Ministry of internal affairs, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: ir3115@yandex.ru



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