Resources for Psychological Safety of Students in an Unstable Sociocultural Environment: a Review of Theoretical and Empirical Research



Global social transformations affected people are taking place in the modern world. This influence can negatively affect representatives of the younger generation – students who do not have personal and social maturity and are in the process of professional development. The problem of the study is to identify the resources for psychological safety of students in a tense sociocultural environment. The article presents a review of scientific works from 2019 to 2023 using the electronic bibliographic databases RSCI and Scopus. More than 70 scientific articles with the results of theoretical and empirical studies of the problem of human psychological safety resources in a tense sociocultural environment were analyzed. The studies involved civilians living in territories with special conditions, including territories of military conflicts: teenagers, adults, students. Based on the results of a systematic review, a theoretical model is proposed. It includes external and internal resources for the psychological safety of students in a tense sociocultural environment. The features of students' socialization and the resources of the educational environment are identified as key external resources. Internal ones include cognitive regulation of emotions, constructive defense mechanisms, prosocial values and social intelligence, which act as the main resources for overcoming traumatic experiences, influencing subjective well-being and ensuring the psychological safety of students. The proposed theoretical model can serve as the basis for the development of psychological support programs for students. Research prospects can be presented in the context of empirical verification of the theoretical model.

General Information

Keywords: psychological safety; students; difficult life situation; special living conditions; territories of military conflict; extreme operating conditions; psychological and pedagogical support; resources; psychological stability; systematic literature review

Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology

Article type: scientific article


Funding. This study was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as part of the state-commissioned assignment «Resources for psychological safety of students from territories recently admitted to the Russian Federation» (project No. VRFY-2024-0006).

Received: 02.04.2024


For citation: Baeva I.A., Laktionova E.B., Kondakova I.V., Pezhemskaya J.S., Sokolova M.-E.-L.S., Savenko Yu.S. Resources for Psychological Safety of Students in an Unstable Sociocultural Environment: a Review of Theoretical and Empirical Research [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psychological-Educational Studies, 2024. Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 3–29. DOI: 10.17759/psyedu.2024160201.

Full text

A problem statement

In contemporary social conditions, issues related to human security are undeniably relevant. Psychological safety is a crucial aspect of overall security, and its violation negatively impacts an individual's well-being and health. Young individuals are particularly vulnerable to breaches in psychological safety due to their developing resilience resources. Researchers highlight the significant vulnerability and psychological trauma faced by young people in today's world [36].

In recent years, students have confronted numerous negative factors in the social environment, such as economic crises, the COVID-19 pandemic, the transition to distance learning, and others [1; 5; 8; 52]. This environment, laden with psychotraumatic elements, negatively affects mental health and functional efficacy, demanding substantial coping resources. Often referred to as a “tense sociocultural environment,” this milieu includes concepts like “territory with special living conditions, including military conflict,” “functioning in a difficult life situation,” and “extreme situation.”.

Amid geopolitical tensions, residing in areas with special living conditions is a psychologically traumatizing factor. An underexplored aspect affecting psychological safety is the experience of individuals living in the newly incorporated territories of the Russian Federation. The impact is particularly severe for student youth, who are at the beginning stages of professional development and important life decisions yet lack full personal and social maturity. Studies by I.A. Baeva et al. indicate that the insecurity of living in such territories stems from the continuous and multifaceted threats to life and health, significantly diminishing the quality of life across various indicators. This unique situation can be viewed as an opportunity to “test skills or resources” in a psychological context [38]. Additionally, some researchers argue that challenging life situations can positively influence personality development, as increasing mental tension is essential for personal growth (V.A. Ananyev, F.E. Vasilyuk, M. Mead, G. Sellier, et al.).

We regard the external constraints due to special living conditions as a challenge to the personal resources of young people in a conflict-laden sociocultural environment. Students in such environments face elevated stress, anxiety, and uncertainty about the future, creating a unique social development situation characterized by several factors: difficulty in planning life goals, limited educational opportunities, and restricted social support and contacts. These conditions negatively impact students' psychological well-being and emotional states, inducing feelings of anxiety and helplessness [4; 23]. Addressing these conditions requires creating safety, predictability, and stability within the educational environment [61; 63; 66; 75].

The risk-resource approach is particularly suitable for studying human activities in a tense sociocultural environment, as it assesses adaptive potential in resisting the negative effects of excessive mental stress while identifying psychological targets for intervention. Resources are understood as the full spectrum of possibilities available to individuals to manage their current situations [34].

We define psychological safety as the ability to maintain stability amid psychotraumatic influences. Research demonstrates that psychological safety fosters a socially approved value system, enhances social intelligence among adolescents and young adults, and contributes to the psychological well-being of educational subjects [3; 43]. Foreign studies similarly emphasize the critical role of the educational environment's psychological safety in maintaining young people's mental health and psychological well-being [58, 59]. Psychological safety mediates by reducing negative consequences and strengthening protective personality traits [11; 55].

One potential intervention for students in the newly incorporated territories of the Russian Federation is university psychological services. These services aim to promote positive socialization and psychological safety, focusing on restoring psychological stability, fostering integrity, providing resource access, transforming traumatic experiences into functional ones, and preventing retraumatization [15]. Notably, there is a paucity of research on student resources that facilitate coping with changing social environments [33]. It should be emphasized that all psychological regularities can only be discussed in consideration of the reality that has formed in a specific sociocultural environment. It is important to note that the educational environment is a system phenomenon within a broader sociocultural environment, which dictates the need to apply the principle of cultural expediency. The sociocultural context of the studied issue lies in the fact that currently, there is a historical situation that has led to the emergence of a new social development situation for student youth in the territories newly incorporated into the Russian Federation. This has caused a contradiction between the need for psychological theory and practice in knowledge about the resources of students' psychological safety in the mentioned conditions and the insufficient systematization of data on this phenomenon in modern psychological science. The search for ways to resolve this contradiction has defined the research problem, which is to identify the resources for students' psychological safety in a tense sociocultural environment.

This study aims to develop a theoretical model of resources for students' psychological safety in a tense sociocultural environment, based on a systematic review of theoretical and empirical studies by Russian and foreign authors. The study was conducted using the method of systematic review of publications on the problems of psychological safety resources in a tense sociocultural environment, which correlated with the characteristics of students studying in such conditions. The review encompassed Russian-language and English-language publications from 2019 to 2023 in the digital bibliographic databases RINC and Scopus, using primary keywords. Articles were selected based on relevance, study design robustness, and the availability of full texts or detailed abstracts. From an initial sample of 5,223 articles, approximately 100 sources met the criteria, with 77 included in the final analysis.

Content of previous studies

The need to adapt to the conditions of a tense sociocultural environment poses a challenge to student youth: to identify and actualize external and internal resources that contribute to the formation of psychological safety under the influence of psychotraumatic factors. We emphasize that within the framework of I.A. Baeva's concept of psychological safety we understand the state of psychological safety of a person as the ability to maintain stability in a situation with psychotraumatic influences. Resources of psychological safety, as a rule, are divided into two groups: external (environmental) and internal (personal), and when various difficulties arise, young people tend to turn to the available opportunities of the environment, as personal resources are still in the developmental stage [3].

Before proceeding to the description of environmental resources, let us turn to the studies of the peculiarities of the mental state of people during wartime and living in the territories of military conflicts. N.M. Zakharova et al. found that long-term consequences of psychotraumatic factors can be more destructive than immediate ones [18; 68]. R.M. Litvinova et al. identified the following factors affecting the mental state of civilians of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics living in a long-term military conflict [29]: life threat factors, health threat factors, economic factors, socio-political factors, social and psychological factors. According to E.N. Ryadinskaya, the factors of mental tension in conditions of armed conflict are uncertainty, the presence of conflicts in the sphere of significant relationships, extreme conditions, change of values, loss of the meaning of life [48]. The influence of the physical environment, material and object environment is important. A significant role in the preservation of subjective well-being is played by the cultural environment and related religious aspects, increased adherence to prayer practices and participation in religious rituals [36; 73; 77].

The importance of external resources is confirmed in the study of E.N. Dymova. In a comparative analysis of perceptions of psychological safety among civilians and conscripts aged 18 to 25, it was found that servicemen rely more on the help and support of others [16]. A group of researchers who analyzed the overcoming of difficult life situations by young people in South Ossetia in the post-war period came to similar conclusions [27]. It was found that adolescents from the new regions assessed their own level of safety and well-being lower than their peers in the rest of the country [39; 51].

Foreign studies dedicated to the factors of mental state of young people in the zone of armed conflict are of great interest. In particular, K.E. Miller and M.J. Jordans identify direct factors: violence and destruction, and indirect factors: social and material conditions of everyday life [65]. In the study by G. Veronese et al. the following factors are identified as the main factors affecting the mental state of Palestinian students: school, social relations and home, military occupation, national and political identity, religion and spirituality, as well as environment and mental health [60]. P. Ventevogel et al. who studied Afghan children under conditions of war and migration point to family relationships and cultural values [56]. Studies by F. Mahamid et al. revealed that the deterioration of the quality of life is the main factor of people's psychological suffering [64]. The results of foreign studies show that the consequence of living in a military conflict zone is a feeling of chronic insecurity caused by a number of macro (military occupation, national and political identity, religion and spirituality, cultural values, quality of life) and micro (family, school, social relations) factors.

Young people from the newly incorporated territories of the Russian Federation are affected by several traumatic factors: direct stay in the combat zone, constant discussion of the events, anxiety for life and health, observation of scenes of violence, etc. [12; 46]. The information environment plays an important role; recent studies show that students suffer from information overload [46]. In general, the process of socialization and adaptation of students is influenced by environmental and personal factors: 1) socio-demographic - student's age, social status; 2) pedagogical - university orientation, professionalism of teachers, material and technical support of the university; 3) individual-typological characteristics (properties of the nervous system, temperament, character, cognitive, emotional and behavioral characteristics, etc.). [32]. Socio-professional identity is also important [31].

Involvement in the learning process at the university is a significant external resource for both students and teachers [28; 71; 72]. The data obtained on a sample of 993 students from different regions of Russia indicate that the formed professional identity is characterised by high learning motivation and involvement in the activities of higher education institution [31]. Foreign studies have established that it can be a factor in protecting and increasing students' resilience and well-being in military conflicts [57]. It should be noted that university teachers in the newly incorporated territories of the Russian Federation note the need to study students' psychological safety resources, values, motivation and self-regulation [25; 70]. It has been revealed that 69.6% of university managers in Transnistria note the demand for high self-efficiency and self-regulation of teachers [40]. In a situation of military conflict, when habitual ties are destroyed, the presence of trusting relationships in the educational environment and psychological climate will be important social resources for maintaining the state of psychological safety and subjective well-being of students [14; 17; 51].

Obviously, in an unstable sociocultural environment, students may have limited external resources, so their internal resources consolidated to maintain psychological safety will be of key importance. Let us turn to the results of research on human resilience resources in a situation with psychotraumatic influences. The analysis shows that the main resources of psychological safety in such a situation are regulation of emotional state, social skills, positive values, coping strategies and psychological defenses. M.A. Odintsova et al. write that the special military operation in Ukraine and its consequences (mobilization, moving to another country, etc.) is a global challenge, and all psychological coping resources associated with it are significantly higher than in other difficult life situations [38]. The most effective resources are, on the one hand, coping strategies, and on the other hand, turning to religion and active expression of emotions. We emphasize that the use of emotional resources also depends on cultural aspects [41]. According to monitoring data from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, young people aged 18-24 are the most susceptible to anxiety and depression in the conditions of military conflict, the level of depressive symptomatology on the scale of anxiety and depression (PHQ-4) in the spring of 2022 was close to 80%, and the level of anxiety - to 60% [37]. Consequently, in order to adapt to psychotraumatic conditions, as well as to overcome their negative consequences, it is necessary to form psychological resources in students that allow them to maintain a state of psychological safety. The resources that make up emotional, cognitive and behavioral blocks have been identified [54]. The study conducted by O.V. Boyko and N.V. Novikova in the DNR in 2018 on a sample of 219 students showed that students' constructive experience of an extreme situation of military conflict is determined by the following personal individual psychological characteristics: "1) temperament properties - high level of extraversion and low level of neuroticism; 2) character traits - high intelligence, courage, dreaminess, anxiety, radicalism, high self-control, gullibility, composure, calmness, relaxation; 3) components of the motivational structure of personality - life support, social status, communication, creative activity, general life orientation, work orientation; 4) system of meaning-life orientations - goals in life, life process or interest and emotional intensity of life, life performance or satisfaction with self-actualization, locus of control - I am the master of life, locus of control - life or controllability of life, general index of meaning-life orientations; 5) components of the system of life meanings - altruistic, hedonistic, life meanings of self-actualization; 6) components of self-actualization - auto sympathy, contact, time orientation, values, spontaneity, self-understanding, general indicator of self-actualization" [6; 7]. [6; 7]. V. Overchuk et al. revealed that the main personal resources for overcoming stress in a military conflict are self-control, resilience and developed communication skills [70].

The psychological service of V.I. Vernadsky KFU in 2022-2023 found that students who find themselves in a difficult life situation against the background of increased social tension and the presence of trauma "witness", have high rates of maladaptation, impaired will and co-dependence in combination with low social intelligence [30]. E.N. Ryadinskaya, analyzing the mental states of people living in the zone of military conflicts, focuses on meaning-life orientations and values [48; 49], which are an important resource of students' psychological safety, determining the orientation of personality [10; 44]. It has been found that if individual values coincide with the dominant ones in the region and the immediate environment, the subjective well-being of students increases [45]. They are also correlated with the success of socio-psychological adaptation and indicators of subjective satisfaction [19] and empathy. The significance of empathy for positive interpersonal relations and achievement of social success has been proved [2]. This indicates the need to consider social intelligence as a resource of psychological safety, as it determines the success of social interaction and contributes to increasing the level of subjective well-being of the individual [21]. The results obtained by M.V. Kondrashova show that the personal resources of psychological safety of students in a tense sociocultural environment are psychological stability and coping strategies [26]. An online study of the psycho-emotional state of students and teachers who stayed in the country during the hostilities and continued online learning was conducted in Ukrainian universities in May 2022 (a total of 589 people, including 69.2% of students and 30.8% of teachers: 85.9% of women and 14.1% of men). Higher rates of fear of war and emotional burnout were found in students compared to faculty, also these rates are higher in women than in men. The indicators of resilience are lower in students than in teachers and in women than in men. 97.8% of respondents reported a decline in psycho-emotional status with complaints of depression (84.3%), fatigue (86.7%), loneliness (51.8%), nervousness (84.4%) and anger (76.9%). Students were significantly more likely to report fatigue, loneliness, nervousness and anger. A significant effect of student status and gender on the expression of the studied indicators was shown [76]. These data are consistent with the results of studies by J.T. Jong et al. on a sample of 3048 people from post-conflict regions [62], as well as F.J. Charlson and N. Morina [67; 69].

Subjective well-being [35; 47] and the level of emotional comfort [68] are considered as predictors of a decrease in the number of perceived stressors. According to N.A. Derevyankina and M.A. Yuferova, during 10 days of staying in safe conditions, the emotional background of adolescents from newly incorporated regions normalized and approached the age norm [13]; these results confirm the connection between psychological safety and subjective well-being.

When stress factors occur, cognitive regulation is a strategy that allows a person to maintain control over emotions not only during but also after the impact of affective situations. It has been proved that self-regulation in all its manifestations is one of the resources of psychological safety of an individual in stressful situations [53]. The results of a study involving students living in a military conflict zone showed that students use cognitive restructuring as well as strategies related to social support [74]. However, there is a view that in a combat situation, a person cannot influence their stress factors, so effective coping cannot be considered as resources. In this context, psychological defenses would be more effective in reducing psycho-emotional stress [22; 42; 50]. Environmental triggers are found in "emotional reactions, exerting a significant influence on the perception and experience of well-being" [46, p. 367], weakening resources of emotional coping and constructive thinking [9], and here defense mechanisms will reduce the risk of intrapersonal conflict [36]. It is also important to note that people living in areas of military conflicts may, over time, change attitudes towards situations that initially caused them acute stress reactions [24]. Researchers note the importance of being able to utilize the resources and compensatory capabilities of the psyche, taking into account the environmental conditions [20].


A systematic review and analysis of contemporary scientific publications allowed us to establish that the state of children and their resources in a tense sociocultural environment has been sufficiently described, but there is a deficit of data concerning adolescence. Tense sociocultural environment is characterized by uncertainty, excessive information overload, anxiety and accumulation of stressors that affect well-being and adaptability. Staying for a long time in such an environment leads to changes in the structure of resources that support the state of psychological safety. Macro-level factors (residence, political factors, economic factors, information and cultural environments) and meso-level factors (family, immediate environment, educational environment, other socio-psychological factors) are considered as environmental factors affecting psychological safety. Internal (psychological) resources include individual-typological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral resources. The results of the systematic review of scientific literature allowed us to consider the educational environment of the university as the key external resource of students' psychological safety in a tense sociocultural environment, because under conditions of uncertainty and risks it remains one of the most significant and relatively stable socio-psychological factors that provide protection and support students' subjective well-being. The favorable socio-psychological climate, professional commitment of teachers, involvement in the educational environment, supportive relationships with significant adults, and referentiality of the educational environment were identified as the main studied indicators of the educational environment. The main internal resources for overcoming psychotraumatic experience, influencing subjective well-being, behavioral attitudes and ensuring students' psychological safety are: cognitive regulation of emotions, constructive defense mechanisms, prosocial values and social intelligence.

The conducted analysis gives grounds to propose a model of resources of students' psychological safety in a tense sociocultural environment (fig.).


Fig. Model of psychological safety resources for students in a tense sociocultural environment

 Suggestions for overcoming the problem

Within the framework of professional work of specialists of the educational system and psychological services at universities, aimed at ensuring psychological safety of students, it is not possible to influence macro-level factors, the focus of their attention will be on the resources of the educational environment and personal resources of students. Currently, there is a contradiction between the need to create psychological and pedagogical conditions to ensure students' psychological safety in a tense sociocultural environment and the lack of scientifically-based recommendations that contribute to the fulfilment of this process in the mentioned conditions. The proposed model of students' psychological safety resources serves as a basis for the development of student support programs in the educational environment of universities, which will eventually contribute to the restoration and preservation of students' psychological health and well-being. The activity of the support service in the university, based on the identified resources, will be able to solve significant social tasks for the positive socialization of students in tense socio-cultural conditions. Let us emphasize the importance of taking into account the cultural context when conducting psychological work with students, peculiarities of their mentality and traditions. A student studying in psychologically safe conditions, who has learnt to solve problems constructively and has preserved psychological health, will have a greater efficiency of activity and the possibility of transmitting his positive experience in social interaction. The prospects of the study can be presented in the context of empirical verification of the proposed theoretical model.


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Information About the Authors

Irina A. Baeva, Doctor of Psychology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education, Head of the research laboratory “Psychological safety and culture in education.” Director of the educational master's program "Psychological safety in education and social interaction", Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Elena B. Laktionova, Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Senior Researcher at the Research Laboratory “Psychological Culture and Psychological Safety in Education and Social Interaction”, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Senior Researcher at the Research Center of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, St.Petersburg, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Irina V. Kondakova, PhD in Psychology, Assistant professor, Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Julia S. Pezhemskaya, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Milen-Eva-Lilit S. Sokolova, Assistant, Department of Developmental Psychology and Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Yulia S. Savenko, Assistant, Department of Developmental Psychology and Education, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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