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Bovina I.B., Dvoryanchikov N.V., Konopleva I.N., Kovalev M.A., Konkin V.Y. Drugs and addicts: peculiarities of social representations in two groups of young people PDF (in rus.) 1002
Fomicheva A.E. Research of interrelation of preferred coping strategies and ethno-national mindsets of Moscow young people PDF (in rus.) 1033
Oesterdiekhoff G.W. The rise of formal operations and intelligence in history. The dialectics of cultural and cognitive evolution PDF 1383
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Plaksunova E.V. Organization of correctional-developmental education of children with autism spectrum disorders on the example of adaptive physical education PDF (in rus.) 4986
Ryabov M.P. Theoretical analysis of the factors of narcotization of adolescents in the works of Russian psychologists PDF (in rus.) 1938
Vaskova O.V. Characteristics of social identity in a high school educational group PDF (in rus.) 2474
Zavalov G.R. On the method of identification of development of scientific thinking among school pupils PDF (in rus.) 1569