Yassman L.V., Yassman V.P. Spirituality as a meta-system attribute of the self-organization of the man’s inner world PDF (in rus.) 1071
Serova O.E. On the question of spiritual and moral content of psychological notions in the scientific doctrine of G.I.Chelpanov PDF (in rus.) 727
Slobodchikov V.I. Formation of the human in man - an imperative of national education PDF (in rus.) 771
Rubtsov V.V. Moral potential of psychological preparation of a specialist in terms of solution of theoretical and practical problems of giftedness PDF (in rus.) 732
Morozova E.A. Psychological mechanisms of personality maturity formation among the rising generation by means of educational environment PDF (in rus.) 1185
Cheprakova E.A. Stable forms of aggression among modern adolescents: results of a longitudinal research PDF (in rus.) 7173
Veraksa A.N., Gorovaya A.E. Specifics of image use among athletes specializing in track and field and rhythmic gymnastics PDF (in rus.) 768
Kalyagin Y., Filonov L.B. Problems of social perception in professional activity of law enforcement officers PDF (in rus.) 1251
Cheremoshkina L.V., Osinina T.N. Reproduction of teaching material by pu-pils with different levels of mnemonic abilities development PDF (in rus.) 1683
Slavutskaya E.V. Gender differences in personal qualities which define maladaptation of younger adolescents PDF (in rus.) 1191
Milekhin A.V. Problem of elder pupils’ socialization in conditions of modern education PDF (in rus.) 1536
Niyazbaeva N.N. Existential psychological approach in education: problems and prospects PDF (in rus.) 2348
Fomin A.E. Development of goal-setting skills by means of goal specification training PDF (in rus.) 1529
Kapustina V.A. Some aspects of personality education in incomplete family (on materials of studies by Russian and foreign authors) PDF (in rus.) 4206
Potasheva I.I. Modern aspects of psychological and pedagogical work with families bringing up a disabled child PDF (in rus.) 2634
Oganesyan N.T. Self-actualization of personality by means of poetic creativity in the mode of creative poetic workshops PDF (in rus.) 1117
Eliseeva O.A. Subjective well-being of adolescents and psychological security of educational environment PDF (in rus.) 4289
Lebedeva M.V. Study of teacher’s preparedness for implementation of the Federal state educational standard of primary general education PDF (in rus.) 1323