Structural analysis of Nicholas II's speeches



A quantitative analysis of the structure of Nicholas II's speeches was made in the period 1894-1906, in comparison with his speeches, presented in the journal Niva in 1916. The basis for the analysis is the total number of words in the sentences that make up the analyzed speech. A significant change in the total number of words in sentences pertaining to the dates considered has been revealed.

General Information

Keywords: Speech, linguistic personality, sentence, statistics, octave, golden section.

Journal rubric: World Literature. Textology

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Kuzmina E.V. Structural analysis of Nicholas II's speeches [Elektronnyi resurs]. Âzyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2017. Vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 35–52. DOI: 10.17759/langt.2017040304. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Ekaterina V. Kuzmina, Аспирант кафедры Лингводидактики и межкультурных коммуникаций факультета "Иностранные языки", Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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