Baimurzaeva G.B. Education of words combinations of Russian language in foreign audience pp. 1–7 PDF (in rus.) 3380
Shmeleva A.V. About the scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of teaching the Russian language and literature" of the Association of Teachers of the Moscow region, "the teacher of Russian language and literature" and the activities of the Association pp. 8–16 PDF (in rus.) 769
Bedina N.N. Yaroslavl' Horologion of XIII century: the dialogue of traditions pp. 17–22 PDF (in rus.) 1008
Pavlyak O.N. Image of paradise of Zhukovsky’s poem "The Curious Visitor" pp. 23–28 PDF (in rus.) 1163
Solodkin Y.G. On the origin of “Siberian” articles of the new chronicler of the older edition pp. 29–43 PDF (in rus.) 817
Marysheva A.I., Osmanova A.N. Contemporary Russian cinema: the quest for social meaning pp. 60–66 PDF (in rus.) 4139
Zavodchikova A.A. The category of politeness in intercultural communication pp. 67–69 PDF (in rus.) 3198
Zhuchkova A.V. Comparative analysis of Future and Subjonctif in Russian and French pp. 70–73 PDF (in rus.) 646
Matonin V.N. Alexander Anatolyevich Turundayevsky's memoir: the Vologda priests at the German front (1914-1918) pp. 74–79 PDF (in rus.) 1226