Alexander Anatolyevich Turundayevsky's memoir: the Vologda priests at the German front (1914-1918)



The author addresses to the hand-written private memoir by A.A. Turundayevsky, devoted to the destiny of a family of rural priests in the first half of the XX century. The memories about the priestly service during the World War I are in the center of attention. Understanding of it is allowed the author to describe the destiny of the Russian Church at the beginning of the XX century in general.

General Information

Keywords: memoirs, military clergy, religious consciousness, moral disappointment.

Journal rubric: Chronicles of Scientific Life

For citation: Matonin V.N. Alexander Anatolyevich Turundayevsky's memoir: the Vologda priests at the German front (1914-1918) [Elektronnyi resurs]. Âzyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2014. Vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 74–79. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


  1. Vozvrashhenie iz plena svjashhennika A. Turundaevskogo // Vologodskie eparhial'nye vedomosti, № 23, 1915. S. 611.
  2. Izdevatel'stva germancev nad plennym svjashhennikom // Vologodskie eparhial'nye vedomosti, № 23, 1915. S. 612.
  3. Ordyinskiy S. Iz predsmertnogo pisma // Vologodskie eparhialnyie vedomosti № 14, 1915. S. 377-378.
  4. Pospelovskiy D.V. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov v HH veke. M.: «Respublika», 1995.
  5. Turundaevskiy A.A. Nasha semya // Istoriya ot pervogo litsa. Mir severnoy derevni nachala HH v. v pismennyih svidetelstvah selskih zhiteley / kommentarii, nauchnaya redaktsiya V.N. Matonina. Arhangelsk-Moskva: TSM, 2011. S. 191 – 355.
  6. Turundaevskiy A.A. Tetrad № 2. Lichnyiy arhiv T.E. Mosyakinoy
  7. Fedorov V.A. Pravoslavnaya Tserkov i gosudarstvo. Sinodalnyiy period. 1700-1917. M: «Russkaya panorama», 2003.

Information About the Authors

V. N. Matonin, PhD in History, associate Professor, editor-in-chief of the anthology «The Solovki Sea», Arkhangelsk, Russia, e-mail:



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