Izmailov C.A., Khanmagomedova M.A., Pavlova M.K. Perception of Colored Objects pp. 5–25 PDF (in rus.) 1795
Lupenko E.A. Investigation of the Categorical Structure of Perception of Musical Fragments, Transformed with the Help of Contemporary Acoustic Technologies pp. 26–39 PDF (in rus.) 876
Barabanschikov V.A., Demidov A.A. Microdynamics of the Assessment of Individual Psychological Characteristics Based on Facial Expression pp. 40–50 PDF (in rus.) 859
Khrisanfova L.A. Perception of Individual Psychological Characteristics of a Person According to the Structural Features of his Face pp. 51–73 PDF (in rus.) 1827
Oboznov A.A., Petrovich D.L. Assessment of Instrumental Information: Cognitive-Stylistic Characteristics pp. 74–80 PDF (in rus.) 1127
Kazakova E.V., Morozova L.V. Peculiarities of Formation of Visual Perception in Seven-to-Eight-Year-Old Northern Children and Risk Factors for Early Dysontogeny pp. 91–100 PDF (in rus.) 1449
Diveev D.A., Khoze E.G. Modern Technological Image Transformation in the Study of Perception of Facial Expression of a Person pp. 101–110 PDF (in rus.) 1945
Zhegallo A.V. The SMI High Speed System of Registration of Eye Movements: Particular Qualities of Use pp. 111–117 PDF (in rus.) 3470
Marchenko O.P. New Frontiers in the Study of Analogy. The Second International Conference on the Analogy "ANALOGY-2009" pp. 118–120 PDF (in rus.) 688