Nartova-Bochaver S.K., Podlipnyak M.B., Khokhlova A.Y. Belief in a Just world and mental well-being in deaf and hearing youth and adultsts PDF (in rus.) 5106
Kaverina M.U., Krotkova O.A. The Problem of Cognitive Impairments Awareness in Patients with Memory Defects PDF (in rus.) 1357
Avdulova T.P., Vitkovskaya E.V., Ponevazh E.v. Risk Behavior in Youth: Deviation or Norm? PDF (in rus.) 5706
Boiko O.M., Enikolopov S.N., Kazmina O.Y., Shchelokova O. The Pilot Study of the Supporting Potential of Internet-using in Social Adaptation of Patients with Mental Disease PDF (in rus.) 949
Basilova T.A., Belopolskaya N.L. II Russian Scientific-practical Conference"Psychological and Pedagogical Correction of Developmental Dsorders in Children:“Psycho-pedagogical Correction of Intellectual Deficiency in Children in Education” (5-6 in March) PDF (in rus.) 772