Liders A.G., Frolov Y.I. Evolution of Concepts of Orientation and Orienting Activity in Galperin's Theory pp. 13–27 PDF (in rus.) 2471
Gabay T.V. Galperin's Scientific Ideas and Their Development within Modern Activity Theory of Learning pp. 28–37 PDF (in rus.) 4040
Zakharova E.I. Individual Notions of Social Role Characteristics as Means of Orientation pp. 38–41 PDF (in rus.) 916
Vysotskaya E.V., Rekhtman I.V. Two Approaches to Curriculum Design Following the Third Type of Orientation: Choosing 'Main Units' (with Chemistry Curriculum as an Example) pp. 42–54 PDF (in rus.) 967
Bespalov B.I. Evolution of Galperin's Notions of Means, Tools and Tool- Mediated Operations in Humans and Animals pp. 55–66 PDF (in rus.) 789
Nikolaeva V.V., Arina G.A., Leonova V.M. Looking at Psychosomatic Development of Child through the Lens of Galperin's Theory pp. 67–72 PDF (in rus.) 1889
Rychkova O.V., Kholmogorova A.B. Social Brain Concept as a Basis for Social Cognition and Its Deficits in Mental Disorders. Part II. 'Social Brain': Structural Components and Connections with Psychopathology pp. 86–95 PDF (in rus.) 1163