Are adults’ love and hate more advanced?
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Для цитаты: Бреслав Г.М. Are adults’ love and hate more advanced? // Научные тексты (Г.Бреслав).
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The increased amount and quality of research on love and other sentiments in psychology of personality and in social psychology show a significant shift of psychological priorities to more ecological processes in human life (Buss, 2000; Salovey, 1991; Sternberg, & Weis, 2006). The study of sentiments such as the Love, Jealousy, and Envy was recently supplemented by the study of Hate (Burris, & Rempel, 2006; Sternberg, 2005). As a result the first 18-item Likert-like the Hate scale (Breslavs, & Tjumeneva, 2008a) emerged. This increase of studies in the field is not in coherence with attention to love and other sentiments in developmental psychology. The topic of sentiments seems to be a “Cinderella” in many psychological branches including developmental psychology (Breslavs, 2006).
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