Psychological characteristics of visual information perception of students with visual deprivation in training to work on a personal computer



This article discusses how children with profound sight impairment perceive visual information from a computer screen by means of synthesized speech, and describes research of characteristics of user skills development in children with visual deprivation. We provide the most significant results of research and a number of methodical recommendations on educating children of this category in work on the personal computer without visual control.

Общая информация

Ключевые слова: teaching of blind , informatics, non-visual access , blind user

Тип материала: научная статья

Для цитаты: Соколов В.В. Psychological characteristics of visual information perception of students with visual deprivation in training to work on a personal computer [Электронный ресурс] // Теория деятельности: деятельностные исследования в Германии. 2014. Том 12. № 1. С. 119–132. URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024)

Фрагмент статьи

Those who are not experiencing difficulties related to impaired sight most often don’t think of how the processes of perception and of visual information are car­ried out in a blind person. As a result, the considerable part of information envi­ronment is inaccessible or has essential restrictions for people with a visual depri­vation. When interacting with visually organized environment a blind person needs a mediator to promote transformation of visual stimuli into accordingly acceptable modality. In some cases, transformation can be distorted due to subjective evalua­tions and judgment of the mediator (for example, picture description).


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Информация об авторах

Соколов Владимир Вячеславович, заведующий учебно-производственной лабораторией технических и программных средств обучения слепых и слабовидящих студентов факультет информационных технологий, ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный психолого-педагогический университет» (ФГБОУ ВО МГППУ), Москва, Россия, e-mail:



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