Теория деятельности: деятельностные исследования в Германии
2014. Том 12. № 1. С. 43–60
ISSN: 2191-6667
Multimedia Technologies – a Path to Creativity
Общая информация
Ключевые слова: multimedia, directing and production , creative work , disability
Тип материала: научная статья
Для цитаты: Бохоров К.Ю., Ермакова Е.Ю., Фомина В.А. Multimedia Technologies – a Path to Creativity [Электронный ресурс] // Теория деятельности: деятельностные исследования в Германии. 2014. Том 12. № 1. С. 43–60. URL: https://psyjournals.ru/journals/tatigkeitstheorie/archive/2014_n1/75086 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025)
Фрагмент статьи
The uniqueness of our experience in teaching at higher school is related, on one hand, to health limitations of our students, and on the other hand, to specific properties of our subject domain. Paradoxically, the problem of „the small adult“ (the teenager, whose chronic disease, as a rule, impeded his/her high school education) and the world sociocultural crisis of transition to visual language of culture, weaved together before our eyes into one storyline. And this storyline is extraordinarily cinematic: it unites particular with universal and gives hope.
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- Kracauer S. (1977): Ot Kaligari do Gitlera: Psikhologicheskaya istoriya nemetskogo kino [From Caligari to Hitler. A psychological history of the German film] «Iskusstvo», Moscow.
- Fomina V.A. (2014): Nit’ razgovora [The thread of conversation] Studio «Drugoye nebo» MSUPE, Moscow.
- Ermakova E.Yu. (2013): Prakticheskaya magiya kinematografa [Applied magic of cinema] (Internet reference). Part 1. Multimediynost kak prostranstvo kinoobraza [Multimedia as space of cinematic image] MSUPE publishing office. URL: http://psychlib.ru/resource.php/pdf/documents/EPm12013.pdf [12.09.2014].
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