Теория приобретения речи и ее приложение при исследовании овладения английскими артиклями болгарскими детьми, изучающими английский язык



The present paper sheds a new light on the acquisition of English articles by L2 young learners of English. It focuses on the interplay between L1 interference and the applicability of a recent cognitive theoretical framework – the Processability theory which serve as a basis for outlining the possible difficulties in the English article acquisition by Bulgarian 9-10-year old learners of English as L2.

Общая информация

Ключевые слова: processability theory, English articles, L2 acquisition of English, L1 interference

Рубрика издания: Филология

Тип материала: научная статья

Для цитаты: Харакчийска Ц.К. Теория приобретения речи и ее приложение при исследовании овладения английскими артиклями болгарскими детьми, изучающими английский язык // Социосфера. 2012. № 4. С. 31–41.

Фрагмент статьи

The English article system poses considerable difficulties to learners who speak English as a second or foreign language (L2). This is supported by the rich spectrum of research results focused on the exploration of L2 article errors in the spoken and written production of learners of English from various linguistic backgrounds – e.g. Japanese [5,19], Korean [7], Spanish [18; 10], Syrian Arabic [24], Russian [7], Swedish and Finnish language [11].


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Харакчийска Цв. К., Русенский университет „Ангел Кънчев“, г. Русе, Болгария



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