2010. № 4. С. 45–48
ISSN: 2078-7081
Sobornost is the main necessary condition of the orthodox art revival
Современные специалисты отмечают новый виток в развитии рус¬ского православного искусства. Меж тем главное условие его возрождения – соборность. Вопрос состоит в том, чтобы понять соборность как базовую ценность русской культуры, возможность реального возрождения и функционирования православного искусства в нынешней бытийной ситуации продолжающегося кризиса духа.
Общая информация
Ключевые слова: соборность, православие, искусство, иконопись, преобразование
Рубрика издания: Философия
Тип материала: научная статья
Для цитаты: Колесова И.С. Sobornost is the main necessary condition of the orthodox art revival // Социосфера. 2010. № 4. С. 45–48.
- Archimandrite Zinon (Theodor). Iconpainter’s talks. – Moscow. 2003 – p. 34
- Art historian M. Gusev distinguishes several schools and trends in modern iconpainting: 1) School, concept of which can be defined as «iconfeast»; basic features characteristic for this school are high skills and aesthetic liberty. Icons of the artists closed to Ks. Pokrovskaya can be referred to this school. (Ks. Pokrovskaya lives in the USA now. She put into practice synthesis of modern Russian tradition of iconpainting in the arranged iconpainting studio. American School of the Orthodox icon makes its first steps in this studio. 2) School which concept is regarded as «icondesert». It is characteristic for rigidity of the style, renunciation of emotional and material dominant for the sake of moral dominant which produces an image of inner reality contemplation. Iconpainter Al. Lavdanskij is an adherent of this concept. 3) School of «The concept of embodiment». Iconpainters working within this concept try to fix levels of embodiment, flesh transformation. Al. Sokolov and B. Bychevskij are followers of this concept // Church digest. Issue 1. – Moscow / 1991.– Pp. 1618.
- V. Martynov. The History of Liturgical Singing. Moscow – 1994 –. p. 200.
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