Learning to Make Independent Decisions in the Digital Age
The article describes the results of a study devoted to assessing the practical benefits of the author's method of unified competencies (MUC), considered as a method of teaching independent decision-making in the digital age. To assess the practical benefits of MUC in the decision-making process, the author's questionnaire «Decision-making» has been developed. The study was conducted in an online format using the Аnketolog.ru in the period 07-08 February 2024. At the end of June 2024, the sample was supplemented by 12 respondents who filled out the questionnaire using the Yandex Forms form builder, surveys and tests. The total sample consists of 62 people (47 women and 15 men). The average age of the total sample is 42 years old. The results of the study were analyzed both across the entire sample and in the context of spontaneously selected three groups based on an integral indicator of general abilities using descriptive statistics and calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient. In particular, the separation of the sample based on the integral indicator of general abilities reveals a more subtle difference in the assessments of the practical benefits of the MUC and in the assessments of the effective, procedural and formal-dynamic characteristics of one's own self-determination.
General Information
Keywords: digital age, artificial intelligence, self-determination, competence, decision-making situation, cognitive abilities
Publication rubric: Intelligent Technologies in Humanities and Education
Article type: theses
For citation: Shlyakhovaya E.V. Learning to Make Independent Decisions in the Digital Age. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2024): Collection of Articles of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference. November 14-15, 2024 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2024., pp. 432–444.
Information About the Authors
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