Formation of Pedagogical Thinking Among Future Preschool Educators Through an Electronic Learning Tool



The article presents an analysis of the interpretation of the definition of "pedagogical thinking", its content by various researchers. The understanding of pedagogical thinking as a multicomponent phenomenon that manifests itself in solving professional pedagogical tasks is indicated. The solution of a pedagogical problem is highlighted as an indicator of the level of formation of pedagogical thinking. The importance of professional education of future preschool educators through an electronic learning tool within the framework of the educational subject "Pedagogy" on the topic "Play and work of a child" is revealed. The technical, substantive and methodological characteristics of the electronic learning tool are given. The article describes a methodology for studying the level of formation of pedagogical thinking of future preschool educators, which includes two series of pedagogical tasks. The indicators of solving the pedagogical task are presented: the acceptance of the self-worth of childhood, the choice of effective means and methods of education based on humane pedagogy and aimed at ensuring the psychological health of pupils, the variability of solving the pedagogical task and taking into account additional factors that influence the solution of the pedagogical task. According to the selected criteria, a comparative analysis of the results of solving a series of pedagogical tasks by students – future teachers of preschool education is presented. The educational potentials of using an electronic learning tool in the framework of professional training of future preschool educators are revealed.

General Information

Keywords: pedagogical thinking, electronic learning tool, preschool educator, vocational training, pedagogical task, self-worth of childhood

Publication rubric: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching in a Digital Educational Environment and Issues of Digital Didactics

Article type: theses

For citation: Lanevskaya V.M. Formation of Pedagogical Thinking Among Future Preschool Educators Through an Electronic Learning Tool. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2024): Collection of Articles of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference. November 14-15, 2024 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2024., pp. 633–647.

Supplementary Material

  1. Крылов А.Н. Психологические основы педагогического мастерства учителя. Москва : О-во «Знание» РСФСР, 1989. 37 с.
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  5. Маркова А.К. Психология труда учителя: Кн. для учителя. М.: Просвещение, 1993. - 192 с.
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  7. Савин Е.Ю., Фомин А.Е. Метакогнитивный мониторинг в решении учебных задач: соотношение обобщенных и предметно-специфичных навыков // Шестая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: Тезисы докладов. Калининград, 23-27 июня 2014б. г.- Калининград, 2014 б.- С. 533-534.
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Information About the Authors

Veronika M. Lanevskaya, Soligorsk State College, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Belarus, e-mail:



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