"Health-improving" Effects of Young People Creative Work with Real World Material Objects as Generation Z Protection from "Unhealthy" Threats of Virtual Realities



The research raises and examines the scientific and pedagogical issues of the development of personal potentials of modern students of schools and universities - young people characterized by a socio–generational community - generation Z, whose educational development takes place in the conditions of global informatization, the widespread introduction of various computer technologies. The problem of the formation of modern students' abilities to work with objects of the real physical world as an important factor of their development in the context of the expansion of the use of simulation didactic tools and virtual educational resources in the educational processes of schools and universities is actualized. The formulation of problematization is connected with the professional scientific and pedagogical activity of the author of the publication, who is faced with the problems of developing practical thinking and practical experience of students working with real physical objects. Some typical socio-psychological features of "zoomers", their inherent type of thinking are highlighted, the problems of developing their reflexive, analytical and critical thinking plans, difficulties with the integrity of perception and logical comprehension of the interrelationships of different objects and events, fragmentation, clip thinking are noted. The importance of combining and combining skills of working with material objects of the physical world and environments and objects of the virtual world in the modern educational process is noted.

General Information

Keywords: generation Z, human potential, technology, educational process, manual labor activity, creative work with material objects, virtual reality

Publication rubric: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching in a Digital Educational Environment and Issues of Digital Didactics

Article type: theses

For citation: Peskovsky E.A. "Health-improving" Effects of Young People Creative Work with Real World Material Objects as Generation Z Protection from "Unhealthy" Threats of Virtual Realities. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2023),, pp. 785–794.

Information About the Authors

Evgeny A. Peskovsky, PhD in Education, Associate Professor at the Chair of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5931-7836, e-mail: emnauka@mail.ru



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