Let's Do Language With Each Other! Looking at a Language Education Approach from a Cultural-Historical Perspective



This article investigates an approach to language education for young children situated in a cultural-historical tradition. This approach recognizes the fundamental situatedness and dialogicality of language learning. It views language learning as a joint activity which is located within daily routines and social practices that are meaningful to young children and their care givers. It looks at the nexus of social, cognitive and linguistic development and accentuates the key role of the care giver. An approach to language education for young children with a cultural-historical perspective demands a high level of professionalism in early childhood settings. This implies a concept of professional training for child care providers which offers knowledge, skill training and reflection on individual belief systems. The article suggests directions for further research on professional training of child care providers based on a cultural-historical perspective.

General Information

Keywords: Beliefs, Day care, In-service training, Language education, Language learning

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Sens A. Let's Do Language With Each Other! Looking at a Language Education Approach from a Cultural-Historical Perspective [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2011. no. 5, pp. 143–155.


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Information About the Authors

Andrea Sens, Munich, Germany, e-mail: sens@dji.de



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