Kazantseva D.B., Khaitzhanov A. Problems of development of the rising generation in Russia pp. 9–11 PDF (in rus.) 387
Salieva L.K. Irresponsible word is the source of postindustrial society crisis pp. 16–18 PDF (in rus.) 435
Pleshakova T.V. Тhe role of writing in light of modern approaches to developing communicative language competences pp. 19–24 PDF (in rus.) 682
Golandam A.K. The difficulties of Iranian students at the use case in the Russian language pp. 25–28 PDF (in rus.) 834
Devyatykh S.Y. To construction of model the psychological support of psychosexual development in the institution of educational pp. 29–35 PDF (in rus.) 557
Efimova D.V. Necessity of formation of the tolerant during integration of developmentally backward children and teenagers in the general educational environment pp. 40–42 PDF (in rus.) 549
Murzagaliyeva A.G. Methodological approaches to the construction of pedagogical motivation system pp. 43–45 PDF (in rus.) 437
Shilo L.V., Sukhetskaya A.V. The account of individual features of students by teacher-master during the process of learning the foreign language pp. 46–48 PDF (in rus.) 476
Efimova D.V., Mikheev E.A. Integration of information technologies in educational process of the higher school pp. 53–54 PDF (in rus.) 465
Sidorov S.V. Strengthening the role of additional functions in the management innovation in the school pp. 55–59 PDF (in rus.) 554
Arabadzhiyski N. Forms of extracurricular education in public administration programs taught at New Bulgarian University pp. 60–71 PDF (in rus.) 463
Zhusupova K.A., Kozhamkulov T.A., Murzagaliyeva A.G. The concept of the international rating of educational colleges pp. 72–78 PDF (in rus.) 473
Konovalov A.P., Akmoldina A.K., Sarsembaeva M.O., Ugryumova O.S. The evolution of national customs in the life of modern people in example of researchers among Kazakh ethnic in the East Kazakhstan pp. 79–88 PDF (in rus.) 488
Konovalov A.P., Ugryumova O.S. The basic tendencies in professional orientations of the graduates of high schools of East Kazakhstan pp. 89–97 PDF (in rus.) 416
Pleshakov A.A., Cherkudinov D.A. Influence of a drug trafficking on socially economic situation in the country pp. 98–100 PDF (in rus.) 394
Kosareva T.B. Formation of skill of interpretation of legal documents and potential of graphic means registrations of the text pp. 101–108 PDF (in rus.) 571
Derygina I.G. The foreign histiriography of South Africa history since of the end XIX to beginning XXI century: the sum of development pp. 109–111 PDF (in rus.) 493
Martsinkevich I.A. Wrap seminar on the special lecture course «The Great patriotic war of soviet people as a means of obtaining knowledge about the social protection of participants and disabled war veterans» pp. 112–115 PDF (in rus.) 445
Ionova T.A. Materials to the working notebook on discipline «Psychology of management». The topic «The basic psychological laws of management» pp. 116–117 PDF (in rus.) 534
Kanaykina E.S. Materials to the working notebook on discipline «Psychology of management». The topic «Psychology of management as the science» pp. 118–119 PDF (in rus.) 511
Rodionova Y.I. Materials to the working notebook on discipline «Psychology of professional education». The topic «Problem field of psychology of professional education» pp. 120–121 PDF (in rus.) 487
Permyakova A.V., Surikova Y.A. Methodical materials on the election course for senior pupils «Ethics and home life psychology» pp. 122–127 PDF (in rus.) 1806
Andrianova T.S. The absract of the lesson «Social-economic development of Russia after serfdom abolition» pp. 128–131 PDF (in rus.) 868
Yakushkin I.S. The teaching methodical aid «About mass reppression in a history of the USSR» of discipline «The history of Russia» pp. 132–134 PDF (in rus.) 458
Talimanchuk I.A. The abstract of the open lesson on subject matter «What we know about plants. Plants of the Penza edge» pp. 135–156 PDF (in rus.) 865
The list of the Russian reviewed scientific journals included in the international bases of citing (list HAC from 7/1/2010) pp. 157–163 PDF (in rus.) 526