Danger and risk in the context of professional-psychological readiness of interior department personnel



The paper makes a distinction in between the concepts «danger» and «risk», reveals the factors that define risk acceptance and reasonable caution degree, skills of situation assessment, decision-making and decision realization in difficult and changing conditions of professional activity. Communication-Stress-Security training (CSS), effect of mechanisms of psychological protection and psychological security are discussed. From the very beginning of law enforcement activity each employee should realize the presence of danger, should concern with it as with the integral element of his activity that demands attentive and reasonable care in actions. He should direct his efforts not to the extremeness overcoming, but to its estimation, understanding and creative transformation. The prediction and critical estimation of potential problems and their consequences, and also application of adequate actions, essentially reduce the degree of vulnerability of a person in any professional or domestic dangerous situations.

General Information

Keywords: danger, risk, situation analysis, decision-making, algorithms of professional actions, interaction, psychological protection and security.

Journal rubric: Psychology of Extreme Situations and Crises

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Yakovenko S.I. Danger and risk in the context of professional-psychological readiness of interior department personnel [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2011. Vol. 1, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Sergey I. Yakovenko, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Juridical psychology and education department, Odessa State University of Interior Affairs, Odessa, Ukraine, e-mail: serg_yak@rambler.ru



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