Psychological-Educational Studies
2025. Vol. 17, no. 1, 18–32
ISSN: 2587-6139 (online)
Study of the effectiveness of using the internet marathon in the development of emotional stability of adolescents in distance learning conditions
The relevance of the study lies in the search for methods and means of overcoming stress among students in connection with the transition of schools to new models of organizing the educational process. As a hypothesis, the influence of the Internet marathon on the development of emotional stability of adolescents was put forward. The study involved adolescents aged 14-15 years (N=95), of whom 56% were female. The teenagers were divided into two groups – control and experimental in order to study the influence of Internet marathon classes on the emotional stability of adolescents. For diagnosis, we used the method of self-assessment of mental states (according to G. Eysenck), the method of assessing mental activation, interest, emotional tone, tension and comfort (N.A. Kurgansky, T.A. Nemchin) and the questionnaire “Style of self-regulation of behavior” (V.I. Morosanova). As a result of comparing averages using the Mann-Whitney U test, it was revealed that teenagers who took part in the Internet marathon have higher rates of emotional stability, that is, they have decreased rates of frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity and tension.
General Information
Keywords: emotional stability, internet marathon, human emotional background, mental activation, emotional tone, tension, comfort
Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology
Article type: scientific article
Funding. The work was carried out at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University" within the framework of the implementation plan for the research activity of the Research Center of the Russian Academy of Education based in the RSVPU in the area of "Formation of teachers' readiness for the implementation of convergent STEAM education for children and younger schoolchildren", code PFNI RF
Received: 15.02.2024
For citation: Marina M.V., Maleeva E.V. Study of the effectiveness of using the internet marathon in the development of emotional stability of adolescents in distance learning conditions [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psychological-Educational Studies, 2025. Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 18–32. DOI: 10.17759/psyedu.2025170102. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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