Changes in the Content and Structure of Students' Life Projects in the Educational Reflexive Dialogue



This article discusses the problem of developing new teaching methods that are based on the use of reflexive technologies. One of the key components of these technologies is systemic reflection as a condition for the realization of personal potential. The paper contains a brief overview of theoretical, methodological and applied developments in the field of studying the phenomenon of reflection in Russian psychological science, which serve as a theoretical basis for the development of reflexology. The main conditions of the organization of reflexive dialogue, the principles of its construction, the necessary structural components and a summary of the author's development - the reflexive training "Life project of the individual" are described. The author's development - refletrening "Life project of personality" contains a description of the basic conditions of its organization, the principles of construction and the necessary structural components. The results of an empirical study of the influence of educational reflexive dialogue on the formation of students' life projects are presented. The use of reflexive practices (reflexive training) in reflexive dialogue for building life projects in adolescents is also justified. It has been empirically established that changes in the structure and content of life projects are noted equally in all subjects, regardless of their personal characteristics, but more likely in students with high scores on such personal characteristics as orientation in time (understanding the existential value of life), creative attitude to life (creativity), autosympathy, contact, systemic reflection", volitional regulation of behavior (control-naturalness), the level of general reflexivity, the appropriation of socially significant roles, the availability of experiences, openness to new experiences and self-assessment of metacognitive activity.

General Information

Keywords: reflexive dialogue; reflexive learning technologies; model of system reflection; meta-Self; reflexive training

Journal rubric: Educational Psychology

Article type: scientific article


Acknowledgements. E.I.Gorbacheva, scientific director of the project, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Kaluga State University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky

Received: 02.11.2023


For citation: Logutenkova I.V. Changes in the Content and Structure of Students' Life Projects in the Educational Reflexive Dialogue. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2024. Vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 126–144. DOI: 10.17759/pse.2024290308.

Full text


Difficult economic conditions and a volatile social environment require people to take a conscious approach to their lives. At the present stage of the development of society, it is necessary not only to be aware of what is happening in the present and to design the future, but also to become the authors of one's own life. A person should design his future, taking into account personal needs and the needs of society. This circumstance poses new theoretical and methodological tasks for psychological science, namely: what is life design, what components are included in it, what is its content part, etc. This is especially important for students who are at the stage of forming their personal and professional path. In this study, we will consider the role of reflective dialogue in the process of forming students' life projects.

The study of life design begins with works in the field of existential psychology, where R. May, M. Boss and other researchers presented their ideas. Also an important contribution to this field is the life creation of N.A. Berdyaev and the studies of the life path conducted by P. Janet, S. Buhler, S.L. Rubinstein, D.A. Leontiev, B.G. Ananyev, N.A. Loginova. In addition, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, V.G. Aseev, Y.V. Vasiliev, E.I. Golovakha and other researchers studied the life perspective [4, 10]. All these studies are united by an interest in understanding how each individual perceives the time and space of his life, in what forms they exist and how they manifest themselves. It is also important to study the factors influencing the change in the content of life, as well as the peculiarities of perception of the future, foresight of events and the role of ideas about the future in the structure of the subjective picture of human life. All this is directly related to the process of designing a person's life.

In Russian psychology, there is a fairly small number of studies that are related to the study of the concept of "a person's life project".

Life design and life perspective are two concepts that are often considered by the authors as synonyms, denoting a subjective vision of the future of a person. In V.S. Yurkevich's research on the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical work with gifted children, the "dominant life project" is considered as "an innovative educational technology that includes a set of diagnostic and formative techniques" [27]. These techniques are aimed at realizing and implementing personal and professional plans that contribute to the development of the personality of a gifted child. A larger definition of the design of life is given in the research of M.V. Klementyeva and E.E. Sapogova. Here, the individual future of a personality is considered through the concepts of "self-projection" and "life project of a personality". According to E.E. Sapogova, self-design and personal self-building include defining one's own values and meanings, forecasting goals, developing life strategies and planning the implementation of various forms of behavior. She notes that a person creates meanings and symbols that give meaning to his existence. At the same time, it takes into account general cultural guidelines, meanings and meanings that have already been accepted and verified by other people. Thus, meaning becomes the result of the creative process in life [19].

Life planning and life perspective are important aspects of personal development. According to the theory of M.V. Klementyeva and N.A. Chueva, life design is nothing more than a complex process that includes the formation of various types of life projects: event-based, aimed at changing personal characteristics and existential. The researchers emphasize that, despite the fact that the general concept of a life project unites all three types of projects, the degree of their development and application can vary significantly depending on the age period. Thus, in adolescence, an event project can most often be observed, which is complemented by elements of an existential and personal characteristics project. In adolescence, all three types of projects begin to manifest themselves more clearly, and in adulthood, a full-fledged, comprehensive life project is formed [9].

In foreign psychological science, the concept of a "life project of a personality" is considered to a greater extent within the framework of practical research.

In particular, the concept of "life project" is mentioned in works related to the study of determinants and protective factors against such behavioral destructions in adolescents as pregnancy, depression, suicide, etc. (Baeza W. B., Póo A.M., Oman R. F., Vesely S. K., Harris L., Phipps M., Ramirez -Aranda J.M et al.). Oman R. F., Vesely S. K., Aspy C. B. (2005) consider life projections as "future aspirations" without disclosing this definition [30]. According to research by Baeza W. B. et al (2007), "the creation of a life project in adolescents is one of the protective factors of personality against antisocial behaviors" [20].

In our research, we relied on the subjective-activity approach (S. L. Rubinstein et al.); the theory of the life path and the psychological concept of personality research as a subject of life (B.G. Ananyev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, M.R. Ginzburg, V.I. Kovalev, T.N. Berezina, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein et al.).

In our study, a life project is understood as an event project, a project for the development of personal properties (an existential project according to E.E. Sapogova) [20]. It is important to note that there are different stages and forms of life design. At the same time, it is in adolescence that a teenager learns to consider his life as an event in which I and Others are present. From our point of view, the "life project of a personality" is a vector of the "future" that a person creates for his own life, perceived by him as favorable and dynamic.  The substantial part of a person's life project can be described through the spatial and temporal components of human life activity. 

The development of modern educational activities is conditioned by the value reorientation of society, which led to the emergence of a new trend - personal and semantic pedagogy. At the present stage of the development of pedagogical and psychological practice, there is a constant interest in the study of reflection. Along with theoretical research, there is a need to develop practical methods - reflective learning technologies that will help unlock personal potential. Actualization of reflection is not automatic even for people who are prone to reflexivity and self-distancing. Many researchers note that the probability of achieving it is more likely to occur only in conditions of reflexive learning. This was confirmed by the works of N.G. Anikanov, S.V. Krivykh, P.I. Tretyakov, and others [11,14,20].

In modern Russian psychology, the most meaningful practical developments in the field of reflection are carried out within the framework of the system-activity approach (V.A. Lefevre, A.V. Lepsky, A.A. Tyukov, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, etc.), as well as the praxiological concept of reflection (Semenov, Stepanov and others). This is due to the fact that these approaches are most fully developed in relation to the structural and process components of reflection, providing a basis for the creation of practice-oriented methods [1,5,8,12,21,26]. At the same time, questions remain unresolved about the role and influence of the "I-center" ("I-existential", "meta-I") on the course of the reflexive process, what are the features of the manifestation of its activity during reflection, where the topos of reflection is located "in the subjective being of the personality" (V.G. Anikina). Addressing the potential and integrating differential (D.A. Leontiev et al.) modal-differential (T. E. Sizikova) and cultural-dialogic (V.G. Anikina) approaches can lead to the identification of new aspects and prospects for the development of effective specific reflexive practices. According to our point of view, these aspects can help resolve these issues [2,3,12,20].

In contrast to research conducted in the context of a systematic approach to activity, where consciousness is functionally transformed into automatic reactions that work according to certain patterns (Vygotsky, 1983; Mamardashvili, 1990, etc.), D.A. Leontiev calls consciousness the basis of a unique type of psychological work. Its inclusion in the study model entails, as it were, a doubling of psychological reality [13]. Such a "doubling" is noticeable in all areas of human mental being, be it emotions, motives, states, behavioral tendencies, dispositions, and so on. The essence of the text boils down to the following: reflexive consciousness is a key factor from which an individual's attitude to one's own motives and the degree of their acceptance arise. It also places in us the obligation to acknowledge responsibility for these motives that influence our actions. A reflexive superstructure appears, which elementary affects the functioning of other mechanisms. This mechanism has its own characteristic, defined by the author as optional. It reflects the existence of the potential of this mechanism, but not its mandatory presence for each individual, and all this exists outside of the relationship with the primary "natural" machinery of our existence.

Self-knowledge and work with the inner world become possible thanks to systemic reflection, which is considered the most voluminous and useful compared to other types. D.A. Leontiev argues that the basis of systemic reflection is the disidentification of the "I" into the self-image (I am the concept) and the inner center (I am the existential). This allows a person to see the interaction situation in all its aspects, including the pole of the subject, the pole of the object and alternative possibilities. Thus, systemic reflection allows a person to discover new qualities of himself and becomes the basis for self-knowledge and further work with the inner world [13].

The essence of V.G. Anikina's concept is that reflection is a way of human existence, which is closely related to the formation of a new holistic view of reality. It does not matter whether this reality is internal or external, material or ideal. The specificity of this method consists in separating reality from common connections and considering it from a reflexive position, which is a kind of "Other". Thanks to this position, it is possible to discover the hidden and unmanifested properties and relationships of this reality. The dialogue between the "I" and the reflexive position (the Other) leads to redundancy, which transforms already known concepts and becomes a source of new knowledge about the reality being studied. [1]

Let's take into consideration the approach of T. E. Sizikova, who offers a different view on the described issues. She believes that reflection plays a role in orientation and choosing from a variety of options necessary for the self-organization of organic systems. In his concept of modal psychology of reflection, T. E. Sizikova combines the differential-holistic approach of A. V. Karpov, the regulatory approach of A. S. Sharov and the differential approach of D. A. Leontiev. She argues that reflection should be considered in the context of the unity of consciousness, thinking, activity and personality, including a comprehensive critical ontology.

The cultural and historical layer penetrates into the highest level of the spiritual layer, known as the meta-model of reflection. In the meta-model of reflection, there are various directions of reflection, such as fragmentary, normative, systemic, holistic, creative, "I", on the "Other", progressive, regressive, on oneself. In addition, the meta-model of reflection uses an inductive way of processing information, a deductive way of processing information and activity. All these components make up the fifth model in the meta-model of reflection, known as the "focus of reflection" [20].

The concept of E.N. Chesnokova is also important, in her opinion, in the process of dialogue, both the teacher and the students are in a state of mutual continuous search for meanings that are the driving force of the educational process and contribute to solving the problem of lack of motivation or the gap between activity and motivation, both students and teachers [24].

On the one hand, the reflexive dialogue reflects the movement of the reflexive process (described by G.P. Shchedrovitsky), and on the other hand, this process is placed in the space of interaction between the Self and the Other, and, accordingly, the final stage of this dialogue is a reflexive exit.

The reflexive-dialogic paradigm suggests using the term "composite subject" to denote the subject of cognition (G.I. Davydova) [6]. This leads to a revision of the role of the teacher. The reflexive-dialogic concept of personality orientation development defines the functions of a "composite cognizing subject" that interact and define a reflexive position. One of these functions is related to the development of students' thinking, and the other is related to the organization of interpersonal contact based on the principles of psychotherapeutic practice. Thus, the context determines the reflexive position within the framework of the reflexive-dialogic concept of the development of personality orientation.

Refletechnologies are currently being actively used and developed, especially reflexology, which is a specially organized interaction between people. They are aimed at updating reflexive mechanisms in order to solve intrapersonal life tasks. Reflexive training is one of the forms of reflexology. [1]

Empirical studies conducted by G.I. Katrich, M.I. Naidenova, V.M. Dyukov, S.N. Maslov, O.A. Polishchuk, E.P. Varlamova, I.V. Bayer and others confirm the effectiveness of game reflexive techniques of refletrening.

To achieve personal self-realization and the disclosure of a person's creative potential, it is important to use methods of semantic orientation and personal reflection. Various theoretical works, such as those by L.Ya. Weingerova, D.D. Guryev, V.P. Zinchenko, O.I. Kayasheva, Y.L. Linetsky, E.B. Morgunov, V. M. Pyatunina, E.V.Hajainen and others, discuss the relationship between the formation of semantic orientations, social success and personal reflection. [3,5,6,7,9,15,19,23,24]. These data allow us to suggest the expediency of using educational reflexive dialogue in the form of reflexive training in building life projects of personality in adolescents.

Thus, understanding the nature of reflection, on the one hand, as socio-psychological, mediated by relations with the world and people [1], and on the other – internal mental, manifested through going beyond oneself, including self-reflecting, were for us the most important aspects for building a working model of systemic reflection of personality, which is the basis of the practice of reflexive dialogue presented below.

Problem statement

The formation of human life projects is determined by the systemic reflection of personality, which makes it a deterministic process. This process performs the following functions: formation of a realistic self-image; identification of personal potential through a reflective approach; creation of a constructive personality image; identification of important personal meanings and values necessary for successful life; search and use of "external" resources identified as belonging to significant Others (parents, friends, etc.).

An important feature of reflective dialogue is its focus on oneself. The participants of this dialogue not only exchange ideas and opinions, but also ask questions about their personal characteristics, needs and desires. They consider who they really are, define their goals, and work out the steps they need to take to achieve those goals. In the process of reflective dialogue, there is an expansion of the "semantic space" of a person's life, the inclusion of new significant semantic contents in the hierarchy of personal meanings.

The results of reflection are the transformation of the reflected reality and the appearance of a transformed representation of it (image, model, state), awareness and appropriation of new personal meanings, a different image of the Self (I. N. Semenov, D.A. Leontiev, V. G. Anikina, etc.), "philosophical understanding of life" (S. L. Rubinstein), etc. [1,11,20].

Let's draw up a general scheme of the student's reflective dialogue.

Fig. 1. General scheme of reflexive dialogue

We present a working model of systemic reflection of personality, the process of its course and the "life project of personality".

the 1st stage. Contact with your image of "I am in the present", "I am in the future". At this stage, the personality is included in the understanding of his Self. The motive of research and awareness of himself, his life activity is formed. The actualization of the "reflecting Self" and the "meta Self" begins.

the 2nd stage. The construction of a space-time continuum of reflection and reflexive reality, namely the images "My present and future. Awareness of one's present begins and an idea of one's future arises.

the 3rd stage. The construction of reflexive positions, in particular the "meta I" – I am reflective, I am reflective-I am the present, I am the future, I am reflective - the image of the present, the future, etc..

the 4th stage. Implementation of reflexive construction of relatively grouped reflexive positions. At this stage, the image of the Self, the image of one's own life activity, is created, which, strictly speaking, may partly be the result of reflection. 

The 5th stage. Getting the results of reflection.

We have defined it as subjectively holistic, based on a person's ideas about himself (I am the center) and the image of the future (spiritual and material). This project is dynamically changing and being constructed by a person, meaningfully conditioned by a set of individual life meanings assigned by a person to social values, the psychological space of a person. It includes semantic, value, spatial, temporal, organizational, activity and personal components of life activity. These methodological foundations serve as the basis for the development of a learning reflective dialogue.

Based on age-related neoplasms in childhood, we will implement a reflexive dialogue using the following theoretical provisions: the functional inclusion of systemic reflection in the process of building a person's life project; the actualization of systemic reflection, contributing to the creative level of building and implementing a person's life project; the dialogical nature of systemic reflection and its other types and types.

It is very important to study the psychological present and psychological future of adolescents, excluding their psychological past. Many researchers (I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, I.S. Kohn, D.I. Feldstein, E. Erickson and others) confirm that the past (the child) does not matter in the present for a teenager, since it is already present in the present [26; 4, p.48]. Special attention will be paid to the targeted relationship between the present and the psychological future.

It is important to note that the basic principles of building reflexive training in the process of reflective dialogue include the humanistic orientation of the training leader, the creation of conditions for deep intrapersonal work, full-fledged emotional involvement and the use of a diverse range of reflective methods and knowledge in the field of training work.

To achieve maximum effectiveness in conducting the training, it is necessary to take into account the practical side of the issue. One of the key elements is working with a group of 15 people.

The main parameters of the effectiveness of reflective dialogue:

  1. awareness and appropriation of personal resources, building a semantic system of perception of time, in which the synthesis of personal ideas about oneself and the world is noted;
  2. expanding the range of personally significant values – "value saturation";
  3. expanding the range of different spheres of personal activity in the aspect of the future;
  4. concretization of life goals as a sequential chain of plans, formation and concretization of a subjective idea of the means, actions necessary for the implementation of plans and concretization of time frames for achieving goals;
  5. emotionally positive coloring of the image of the future,
  6. building an active position in relation to future life activities, updating effective strategies of behavior in the present;
  7. the use of a wide range of functional manifestations of systemic reflection in solving problems of the current life stage;
  8. awareness of the role of systemic reflection for the constructive building of one's own life activity.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of educational reflective dialogue on the formation of students' life projects.

The hypothesis of the study: In the conditions of purposeful educational influence through educational reflective dialogue aimed at the formation of students' life projects, in contrast to the usual conditions of their learning, positive changes occur in the structure and content of students' life projects, expressed in greater differentiation, event saturation and manifestations of a greater social orientation of the image of the future.

Organization and methods of research

The sample included 8th grade students aged 13-14 years. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, 100 children, students of the lyceum "Derzhava" and school No. 17 of the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region, were represented as participants.

60 people were selected to participate in the formative stage of the experiment, including experimental group 1 in the amount of 15 people (a group of one class); experimental group 2 in the amount of 15 people (a group of one class); comparison group (an Intensive class) in the amount of 30 people. The groups differ only in their quantitative composition and the chronological framework of the formative stage of the experiment. 

We have chosen a quasi-experimental research plan. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the formation of students' life projects was studied. The structure of the life project includes the image of the spiritual and material future, consisting of spatial, temporal, organizational and activity components of human life. 3 criteria characterizing the formation of components of life projects were analyzed, namely: the spatial component can be described by evaluating such an indicator as the social orientation of the project. The time component is saturation (eventfulness); organizational and activity component is differentiation (representation of various spheres of future life).

The selection and development of methodological tools were carried out taking into account the set experimental tasks. The meaningful characteristics of a person's life projects are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Methods of studying the formation of students' life projects

Formation of life projects


Criteria indicators

Spatial component of life projects

Differentiation of life projects

The number of spheres of future life activity indicated in the text of the main units or features in the composition of representations

Number of elements and groups of elements

Social orientation of life projects

The number of judgments related to interaction in society, with the immediate environment

Time component of life projects

Event saturation

The number of meaningful and consistent in time described events of future life

When selecting methods for diagnosing students' personal characteristics, we focused on those variables that characterize a person's personal potential (see Leontiev et al., 2011) and, according to the results of some other studies (L.Ya. Veingerova and D.D. Guryev, Yu.V. Epimakhina, V.P. Zinchenko, O.I. Kayasheva, E.B. Morgunov, V.M. Pyatunina, E.V. Hajainen, etc.), discover a connection with the construction of personal life projects.

  1. the method of self-realization (self-actualization of personality) by E. Shostrom in the adaptation of N. F. Kalin, A.V. Lazukin;
  2. D.A. Leontiev's method of meaningful life orientations (meaningfulness of life) [12];
  3. the method of determining the individual measure of reflexivity by A.V. Karpov [8];
  4. reflexive self-report test "Who am I?" by V.S. Mukhina [18];
  5. D.A. Leontiev's differential type of reflection [12];
  6. The scale of psychological reasonableness of X. Conte in the adaptation by M. A. Novikova, T. V. Kornilova [19];

The period of the study is 2014-2020.

The study was conducted in several stages:

Stage 1 - 2014-2018 Based on the study of pedagogical, psychological, educational and methodical literature, the methodological and theoretical foundations of the study, its object, subject, goals and objectives are determined. The author's structured interview has been developed in accordance with the criteria characterizing the components of a person's life projects, namely: 1) differentiation of life projects, 2) event saturation of life projects, 3) social orientation of life projects and 4) an event series indicated on the timeline of the future. The author's structured interview included such questions as: do you like your life?; What events of your life do you remember the most?; When does a person's life become bright and interesting, in your opinion?; Do you plan your life?; Formulate the 5 most important goals for the next year, five years, 10 years. Templates for free-form judgments are also included: Most of all in the future I would like ...; If I could choose my future, then I would...; For my future, the main task at school ...; My future life ...; If a miracle happened, then my future…; When I become an adult, then...; The meaning of human life... etc. The theme of the essay is also indicated: "My life project", in which participants were asked to describe all spheres of their life, including the personal sphere, the professional sphere, and the social sphere.

Stage 2 - 2019 The ascertaining stage of the experiment allowed us to describe the features of students' life projects. The analysis of responses to interviews and essays was carried out using content analysis. The correlation analysis of the degree of severity of the characteristics that reveal a person's personal potential, on the one hand, and the criterion-measured levels of formation of life projects, on the other hand, made it possible to carry out empirical verification of the criteria highlighted by theoretical analysis characterizing the content and structure of a life project. The result of this stage was the planning of experimental work on the formation of students' life projects.

 Stage 3 - 2019-2020 The formative stage. Implementation of experimental work on the formation of students' life projects through educational reflective dialogue. The formative stage of the experiment included the construction of a study of the process of forming a life project within the framework of a specially developed developmental program, the methodological form of implementation of which was a training reflective dialogue. This stage was built as a comparative study of two groups of subjects. In one of them (experimental groups 1, 2 - students of the lyceum "Derzhava" and school No. 17), a developmental program was conducted aimed at forming students' life projects, with another comparison group (control group) traditional forms of career guidance extracurricular activities were carried out. One lesson lasted 1.5 hours, a total of 8 classes were held for each group of 15 participants. The program of educational classes with the first group was held in November-December 2019, with the second – in March-April 2020. In February and April 2020 repeated measurements of the criteria of the life project were made and personal questionnaires were conducted.

Stage 4 - 2020. Systematization and generalization of research results, formulation of conclusions.


At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we obtained the following data on the formation of students' life projects (Table 2).

Qualitative and mathematical methods of information analysis (content analysis, correlation, comparative). The computer data analysis system "Statistica 8.0" was used to process the received data. In the process of comparing the data, the criteria of signs and the Spearman correlation coefficient were used. The data analysis was comparative and correlative.

Table 2. Average indicators of criteria for the formation of students' life projects


Average indicators of criteria for the formation of life projects






Comparison group




standard deviation









Experiment. group 1




standard deviation









Experiment. group 2




standard deviation









Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the criteria characterizing students' life projects. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used. The data is presented in table 3.

Table 3. Correlation analysis of characteristics of students' life projects



Social orient

Differentiation of life projects






Social orient



Note: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01


Fig. 2. The results of the study of criteria for the formation of students' life projects, obtained at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

There are significant average positive correlations between the scale "Differentiation of Life Projects." and the scale "Saturation (eventfulness)" (r=0.635, p<0.001). With increasing indicators on the scale of "Differentiation of Life Projects", indicators on the scale of "Saturation (eventfulness)" also increase.

There are significant weak positive correlations between the "Saturation (eventfulness)" scale and the "Social orientation of Life Projects" scale (r=0.286**, p<0.01). With increasing indicators on the "Saturation (eventfulness)" scale, indicators on the "Social orientation of Life Projects" scale also increase.

There are significant weak positive correlations between the scale "Differentiation of Life Projects" and the scale "Social orientation of Life Projects" (r=0.202*, p<0.05). With the increase in indicators on the "Differentiation of Life Projects" scale, indicators on the "Social orientation of Life Projects" scale also increase.

A correlation analysis was carried out with the participation of all sample groups to identify the relationship between the criteria for the formation of components of students' life projects and their personal characteristics.

Significant moderate positive correlations were revealed between the "Differentiation of Life Projects" scale and the "Goals" scale (r=0.425, p<0.001). With an increase in indicators on the "Differentiation of Life Projects" scale, indicators on the "Goals" scale also increase.

There are significant moderate positive correlations between the "Differentiation of Life Projects" scale and the "Result" scale (r=0.434, p<0.001). With the increase in indicators on the "Differentiation of Life Projects" scale, the indicators on the "Result" scale also increase.

Significant moderate positive correlations were revealed between the scale "Differentiation of Life Projects" and the scale "Locus of Self-Control" (r=0.438, p<0.001). With an increase in indicators on the "Differentiation of Life Projects" scale, indicators on the "Locus of Self-Control" scale also increase.

There are significant moderate positive correlations between the "Saturation (eventfulness)" scale and the "Goals" scale (r=0.34, p<0.001). With increasing indicators on the "Saturation (eventfulness)" scale, indicators on the "Goals" scale also increase.

Significant moderate positive correlations were found between the "Saturation (eventfulness)" scale and the "Result" scale (r=0.303**, p<0.01). With increasing indicators on the scale of «Saturation (eventfulness)», The indicators on the "Result" scale are also increasing.

Next, the average indicators of each group were calculated according to the scales of personal characteristics of students.

The results obtained by us indicate both a low level of formation of students' life projects and a low level of development of students' personal characteristics. To some extent, this is another proof that the formation of life projects and personal characteristics are interconnected, like two processes of personal development of adolescents.

Examining the conjugation of criteria for the formation of life projects and personal characteristics, it was revealed that time orientation (understanding the existential value of life), creative attitude to life (creativity), autosympathy, contact, systemic reflection", volitional regulation of behavior (control-naturalness), the level of general reflexivity, appropriation of socially significant roles, accessibility feelings, openness to new experiences and self-assessment of metacognitive activity are correlated with indicators of students' life projects.

The methods used made it possible to determine the insufficient formation of students' life projects, the interrelation of components of life projects, their conjugation with the personal characteristics of students.

These circumstances have determined the demand for the development and purposeful implementation of a program of educational classes based on a reflective educational dialogue aimed at changing the life projects of adolescents. To test the effectiveness of this program, a formative stage of the experiment was carried out, in which 30 8th grade students took part. The students were divided into 2 groups of 15 people. Classes were held within the framework of extracurricular activities (vocational guidance work of a secondary school).

The program of developing classes based on the educational reflexive dialogue included the implementation of three areas of activity of its participants: conducting reflexively innovative procedures based on the educational reflexive dialogue and aimed at solving the tasks set in the program; completing homework and reflecting the results of the educational reflexive dialogue in order to realize and integrate them into the inner world of the personality.

The main purpose of the program of developing classes "Life project of personality" is the formation of a life project for students aged 13-14 years through educational reflective dialogue.

Within the framework of the program of developing classes, the following tasks were supposed to be solved:

  1. Actualization by a person of systemic reflection, its functions in organizing his own life activity.
  2. The formation of a holistic image of myself and my own life (the relationship between the present and the future").
  3. Formation of skills of awareness of intrapersonal characteristics.
  4. The formation of a creative approach to self-realization and life in general.
  5. Awareness of the role of one's self in the constructive transformation of life and the design of the future.

In the first lesson "Who and what am I?" we set ourselves the main goal - awareness of the image of the Self, activation of the "reflecting Self" and "meta-Self". Then, in the second lesson "My personal resource", we direct our attention to awareness of personal resources, the image of the Self and its integrity, as well as semantic and emotional self-determination. In the third lesson, "Working with the image of the present," we focus on understanding the features of our image of the present: temporal, spatial, organizational and activity components, using the activation of reflexive processes for this purpose. Further, as part of the research entitled "My life strategies and plans", we aim to study the most common scenarios and strategies of life activity, as well as to explore their variability and significance for ourselves. In the next lesson, we are engaged in creating new life scenarios and behavioral strategies based on the development of systemic thinking skills. As part of the fifth lesson, "My Image of the Future", the temporal, spatial and organizational aspects of a life project are studied [14].

Fig. 3. The results of the study of the criteria for the formation of students' life projects obtained after the implementation of the formative experiment

As a result of the formative stage of the experiment, the students of the experimental groups underwent changes in the content and structure of life projects, they became more differentiated, eventful, and their projects acquired a greater social orientation. 

A comparative analysis of groups before and after targeted exposure through reflective learning dialogue showed that, regardless of the initial indicators on the scales of personal characteristics, changes in the content and structure of life projects occur in the vast majority of students (Table 3).

Table 5. Indicators of criteria for the formation of life projects before and after the experiment, cf. score



Experiment. group 1

Criterion of signs

Significance level

Experiment. group 2

Criterion of signs

Significance level

Comparison Group

Criterion of signs

before the experiment

after the experiment

before the experiment

after the experiment

before the experiment

after the experiment

























Social orientation













  1. Differentiation: Experimental group 1 The shift towards increasing the results is significant at the significance level p≤0.001.
    • Experimental group 2 The shift towards increasing the results is significant at the significance level p≤0.001.
    • Comparison group: There is no shift towards increasing the results at the significance level P>0.05
  2. Saturation: Experimental group 1 The shift towards increasing the results is significant at the significance level p≤0.001
    • Experimental group 2 The shift towards increasing the results is significant at the significance level p≤0.001.
    • Comparison group: There is no upward shift in the results at the significance level of P>0.05
  3. Social orientation: Experimental group 1 The shift towards increasing the results is significant at the significance level p≤0.001
    • Experimental group 2. The shift towards increasing the results is significant at the significance level p≤0.001.
    • Comparison group: There is no shift towards increasing the results at the significance level p>0.05.

The results of the experiment show changes in the structure and content of students' life projects under the influence of educational influence based on educational reflective dialogue. The data obtained by us using the Wilcoxon T-test (the criterion of signs) indicate the reproducibility of the effect of the proposed program of educational classes based on the educational reflexive dialogue.

Discussion of the results

A comparative analysis of groups before and after targeted exposure through reflective learning dialogue showed that, regardless of the initial indicators on the scales of personal characteristics, changes in the content and structure of life projects occur in the vast majority of students (Table 5).

The results of the experiment show qualitative changes in the structure and content of students' life projects under the influence of educational influence based on educational reflective dialogue. The data obtained using the Wilcoxon T-test (the criterion of signs) indicate the reproducibility of the effect of the proposed program of educational classes based on educational reflective dialogue.

Interpreting the totality of the results obtained, it can be stated that in normal learning conditions and under the influence of the social environment, students' life projects are characterized as poorly differentiated, event-rich and poorly socially oriented. Of course, it should be borne in mind that this is partly due to the age-related peculiarities of teenagers' perception of the future.

It is important to note that the lack of formation of the substantive characteristics of the project determines the associated undeveloped personal characteristics. It can be assumed that in the context of a learning reflective dialogue, along with changes in the content and structure of life projects, personal characteristics are revealed and improved, that is, personal development takes place. Such personal characteristics as time orientation (understanding the existential value of life), creative attitude to life (creativity), autosympathy, contact, systemic reflection", volitional regulation of behavior (control-naturalness), the level of general reflexivity, appropriation of socially significant roles, accessibility of experiences, openness to new experience are especially susceptible to change and self-assessment of metacognitive activity. Based on the above, it can be assumed that through reflection on life projects, it is possible to influence the personal characteristics of students, which is significant for further study and analysis of effective tools of psychological and pedagogical practice.


The concept of "personal life project" is interpreted as the direction of the "future", which a person defines for his own life activity, perceived by him as favorable and dynamically changing. It is determined that the structure of the life project includes an image of the spiritual and material future, consisting of spatial, temporal, organizational and activity components of human life.

It is confirmed that the structural components of life projects are characterized by the following criteria: the spatial component can be described by evaluating such criteria as social orientation, the organizational and activity component by evaluating differentiation (representation of various spheres of future life) and the temporal component is described by event saturation (eventfulness).

In conditions of purposeful educational impact through educational reflective dialogue aimed at the formation of students' life projects, in contrast to the usual conditions of their learning, positive changes occur in the structure and content of students' life projects, expressed in greater differentiation, event saturation and manifestations of a greater social orientation of the image of the future.

In the course of the study, it was experimentally established that: students' life projects formed in normal learning conditions are poorly differentiated, event-impoverished and poorly socially oriented. Actualization of the process of changing life projects in a purposeful educational impact contributes to positive changes in the content and structure of students' life projects, which manifest themselves in: complicating the structure of ideas about future events by increasing the content: the number of spheres of life, events; in the manifestation of a greater social orientation of life projects.

Educational reflective dialogue is one of the conditions that determines changes in the structure and content of students' life projects.

It has been experimentally established that changes in the structure and content of life projects occur equally among all students, regardless of their personal characteristics. The reproducibility of the effect of the applied technology based on the educational reflexive dialogue is proved.


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Information About the Authors

Irina V. Logutenkova, Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, Kaluga State University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky, Obninsk, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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