Psychological Science and Education
2023. Vol. 28, no. 4, 158–176
ISSN: 1814-2052 / 2311-7273 (online)
Formation of Methodological Readiness of Undergraduates of the Psychological and Pedagogical Direction for Mediation in Conditions of Blended Learning
The article presents the problem of conceptualization of the phenomenon of «methodical readiness for mediation» as a special case of professional readiness of a teacher-psychologist to implement mediation in education. The results of a pedagogical experiment on the formation of methodological readiness of undergraduates in conditions of blended learning are described. The main idea of the study is that methodological training is a propaedeutics of professional readiness for mediation in general. The organization of the educational process is based on the principles of practice-oriented and event-based approaches and involves immersion of undergraduates in the basics of mediation in a blended learning environment. The features of the formation of methodological readiness for mediation in conditions of blended learning, based on the principle of humanitarization, ensuring the innovative use of the mediation approach in educational practices, are determined. 92 undergraduates of the Siberian Federal University (SibFU), studying under the programs of the psychological and pedagogical master's degree in 2020-2023, took part in the experimental work. Methodological materials in the field of mediation developed and implemented by SibFU undergraduates during their professional training are presented.
General Information
Keywords: mediator of social conflicts, methodical readiness for mediation, methodical creativity, educational psychologist, hybrid learning, digital transformation of education, humanitarization of education, digital portfolio
Journal rubric: Educational Psychology
Article type: scientific article
Funding. The study was carried out with the financial support of the regional state autonomous institution «Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund for Support of Scientific and Scientific-technical activities» within the framework of the scientific project «Model of formation of mediative competence of teachers in the conditions of multicultural society of Yenisei Siberia», application code No. 2022103008985 (CF-920)
Received: 29.06.2023
For citation: Ivanov N.A., Smolyaninova O.G., Smolyaninov A.A. Formation of Methodological Readiness of Undergraduates of the Psychological and Pedagogical Direction for Mediation in Conditions of Blended Learning. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2023. Vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 158–176. DOI: 10.17759/pse.2023280410.
Full text
In the context of the development of digitalization of the education system and, in particular, its gradual transition to the stage of digital transformation, the role of blended learning in the organization of educational activities, updated by regulatory documents, is increasing (Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030 [25], Strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation [26], Strategy for the development of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation for 2014-2020 and for the future until 2025 [14], Program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» [15], priority project «Modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation» [Pasport prioritetnogo proekta]).
Modernization of education in the conditions of the information society requires improvement of methodological approaches to the use of e-learning tools and distance learning technologies in the logic of digital transformation, implying a systemic update of the forms, methods, means and results of education, evaluating the latter in conditions of active use and development of the digital educational environment.
One of the consequences of the emergence of the information society is the emergence of new professions in the 21st century, which include the mediator of social conflicts. In the educational sphere, the position of mediator and curator of the school reconciliation service is occupied by teachers, educational psychologists, social educators and additional education teachers. With the advent of new functional responsibilities, the problem associated with the professional training of teaching staff in the field of mediation and restorative approach has become urgent for the implementation of mediation practices in the education system.
The relevance of the development of mediation as a resource for harmonizing interpersonal relationships is confirmed by the Professional Standard of a Teacher. Mastery of technologies for the prevention and resolution of conflicts is one of the pedagogical tasks and labor functions of an educator, which includes the formation of a culture of dialogue through discussions on problems related to the resolution of conflict situations; protecting the interests and dignity of students in a conflict situation, providing them with pedagogical support [12]. In accordance with the Professional Standard «Teacher-Psychologist (Educational Psychologist)», the specialist’s knowledge in terms of conflict management training includes methods of managing socio-psychological safety and conflict resolution [13]. The Strategy for the Comprehensive Safety of Children in the Russian Federation for the period until 2030, approved in May of this year, identifies among the main tasks and directions in the field of ensuring safety in the children's environment the implementation of restorative technologies and the development of reconciliation services in educational organizations, countering the escalation of interfaith and interethnic conflicts among students [27].
Despite the demand for mediation in education, today there is no state educational standard for training mediators for the education system. The professional standard «Specialist in the field of mediation (mediator)» does not explicitly include the humanitarian and educational component of the activity of a mediator of social conflicts, which is characteristic of the professions of a teacher and educational psychologist. Implicitly, the professional standard reflects aspects of the mediator’s activity taking into account the specialized (educational) field, including restorative mediation in education, and also presents the interdisciplinary nature of mediation, integrating content from at least 4 areas:pedagogy, psychology, conflict management and jurisprudence.
Being a central component in the structure of a teacher’s professional readiness, methodological readiness has an integrative nature, representing the unity of the theoretical and practical components of readiness to solve professional problems. However, in the context of mediation, methodological readiness as a subject of research has not previously been considered in scientific research, which determines the relevance of this study and confirms the advisability of choosing methodological readiness for mediation as a pedagogical category for consideration and conceptualization.
Features of the sample, means used and stages of the study
N.V. Lomonosov defines the system of blended learning for students as the interconnection of elements (administrative, methodological, technological and pedagogical support) aimed at solving social problems and implying taking into account the interests of students, while the basis of this system is electronic educational resources [Lomonosova, 2018].
O.P. Polukhina reveals the essential characteristics of blended learning as a technology that promotes the effective formation of the personal and professional position of a bachelor's psychologist. A blended learning system is a teaching and learning system that includes interdependent methods and tools that make up a single whole, such as:
- telecommunications tools, web forums and web quests, video conferencing;
- heuristic teaching methods, collaborative learning, case studies;
- information resources [Poluhina, 2021].
In the context of blended learning, updating the problem of developing methodological readiness is justified, since the methodological component in the structure of a teacher’s professional readiness ensures the effectiveness of mastering the content [24], and blended learning acts as a mechanism for influencing the effectiveness of the interaction of participants in educational relations with the content. Thus, we complement the educational potential of blended learning - as an external condition for promoting the effective development of educational content - with a methodological component in the structure of professional readiness - as a factor in ensuring the effectiveness of students’ work with educational materials.
The pedagogical feasibility of integrating the principle of humanitarization and the didactic possibilities of blended learning in the context of the formation of methodological readiness is due to the fact that mediation is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge and has an integrative nature, just as blended learning integrates various models and ways of organizing the pedagogical process (independent learning, flipped classroom, rotational training, face-to-face training with web support, online laboratory, etc.). In addition, digitalization and humanitarization today are among the leading and mutually determining trends in the development of the education system. Methodological readiness, in turn, also has an integrative nature in the structure of professional readiness; it is a set of knowledge, skills and personality traits associated with the possibilities of implementing various types of methodological activities [24].
Review of master's programs in mediation [20; 21] revealed the scarcity of developments and methodological materials for training professional mediators for the education system, taking into account the specifics of the implementation of multicultural education.
The pedagogical experiment was carried out in the process of training master's students in the psychological and pedagogical direction of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of Siberian Federal University. The sample of this study consisted of 92 people (42 people in the control group and 50 in the experimental group).
The study was conducted from 2019 to 2023. in three stages. At the first stage (2019–2020), a multidimensional analysis of the literature and legal documentation on the problems of the work was carried out, the relevance of the chosen topic was confirmed, the methodological apparatus of the study was determined, and the essence of the methodological readiness of master's students in psychological and pedagogical directions for mediation was clarified. At the second stage (2020-2023), educational and methodological tasks and the content of expert assessment were developed and tested for the formation and assessment of the methodological readiness of master's students in psychological and pedagogical areas for mediation in the context of blended learning. At the third stage (2023), experimental work was completed, the results of the expert assessment of the electronic portfolio of undergraduates were processed.
Analysis and discussion of research results
In the study by A.S. Chupris defines readiness for mediation as a universal personal competence, including:
- experience in conducting mediation meetings;
- a complex of cognitive and predictive abilities for processing information about the mediation process, for recognizing and preventing negative emotional reactions of negotiators;
- ability to use mediation appropriately;
- emotional and value-based attitude to the democratic style of communication and participation in the conciliation procedure [30].
Based on this work, as well as research by scientists devoted to the formation of mediation competence and ensuring readiness for pedagogical (R.G. Redun) [17] and online mediation (O.G. Smolyaninova, E.A. Alekseeva) [Alekseeva, 2023], methodological readiness is considered in this study as a special case of readiness for mediation and professional activity in general, in the structure of professional and methodological competence (R.V. Ryumin, R.V. Ardovskaya) [18], defined in a general sense as an activity characteristic motivated the ability of a teacher-psychologist to methodologically support the educational process based on mediation material, i.e. reflects the methodological nature of the formation of the components of readiness for mediation activities. Methodological activity acts, in essence, as a propaedeutic of readiness for mediation in general, which is pedagogically appropriate and significant due to innovative content of the restorative approach and mediation, the heterogeneity of the contingent of master's students with different life, professional and educational experiences, all this actualizes the task of primary value-semantic understanding master's students in mediation and the restorative approach, which determines his professional position [Belonogova, 2021].
Clarifying the range of methodological tasks of a teacher in the aspect of mediation and restorative approach is advisable on the basis of analysis and synthesis of unified legal acts that reflect the state and social order for conflict management training of teaching staff. A comparative analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ in the direction of 44.04.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (master’s degree) [Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii], the Professional Standard «Teacher-Psychologist», as well as the Professional Standard «Specialist in the field of mediation (mediator)» made it possible to identify their relationship in aspect of the theoretical prerequisites for methodological readiness for mediation, which is not directly indicated in legal acts, but is implicitly reflected in the relationship of educational results and labor functions with each other, the actualization of mediation. The relevance of preparation for mediation is confirmed by universal and general professional competencies and labor functions in the specified regulatory documents. In accordance with them, the professional and methodological tasks of a teacher-psychologist in the aspect of mediation and restorative approach in education involve not only the organization and conduct of the mediation procedure and the conclusion of a mediation agreement (A/01.6, A/02.6, A/03.6, B/01.7, B /02.7), since this is, in essence, a subject area of training.
From the point of view of methodological activities and, accordingly, the methodological direction of preparation for mediation, the tasks of a teacher-psychologist are associated with a critical analysis of problem situations and the development of a strategy for resolving them (UK-1), the use of modern communication technologies (UK-4) and effective psychological and pedagogical technologies for individualization of education (GPC-6), taking into account intercultural diversity in social interaction (UK-5), self-organization and self-development of a teacher-psychologist (UK-6), compliance with professional ethics and the provisions of legal acts in professional activities (GPC-1) , designing individual and group educational activities of students (GPC-3), creating conditions for the spiritual and moral education of children and youth (GPC-4), organizing interaction between educational subjects (GPC-7), methodological support of educational activities (A/01.7 ), examination of the safety and comfort of the educational environment (A/02.7), psychoprophylaxis and psychological correction of behavior and development of students (A/07.7, B/04.7), education of participants in educational relations (B/01.7).
In 2020-2023 We designed and implemented the content of methodological preparation for mediation within the framework of psychological and pedagogical master's programs, which is divided into three stages. The theoretical prerequisite for building a methodological system of preparation for mediation was the distribution and integration of disciplines, practices and original methodologically oriented modules in the structure of master’s training disciplines (Table 1). The logic of the distribution and interconnection of the components of educational activity implies the mastery of disciplines in integration with practical training in 1-4 semesters, prolonged for the entire period of study in the master's program. Integration and, as a consequence, the interdisciplinary nature of training are ensured through practice-oriented educational and methodological tasks that activate the creative potential of educational psychologists in the development of methodological support for the educational process, its implementation within the framework of semester-long distributed practice, rich in educational events. The effectiveness of methodological training was ensured by combining various models of blended learning: independent work on educational and methodological tasks; mastering educational and methodological materials on preparation for mediation in the format of electronic, asynchronous learning; a combination of full-time and distance learning, optimal use of Internet support resources.
Table 1. Contents of methodological preparation for mediation with undergraduates Psychological and pedagogical orientation
Stage |
Name of the discipline in the curriculum |
Semester |
Name of integrative methodologically oriented modules in the structure of the discipline/practice |
Practice-oriented educational and methodological tasks |
1 |
Legal and ethical foundations of professional activity |
1 semester |
«Mediation culture in the professions of a teacher and educational psychologist», «Mediation as a resource for the development of human ecology» |
Development of a group creative mediation project as an interdisciplinary brand (corporate style of multicultural mediation in Yenisei Siberia; atlas of the profession of social conflict mediator) |
E-portfolio in presentation and recognition of achievements |
1 semester |
«E-portfolio and imageology of a teacher-mediator» |
3rd semester |
Ethnopsychology and practices of multicultural mediation in Europe |
1 semester |
«Mediation in education in the multicultural society of Yenisei Siberia» |
2 |
IT in professional activities |
2nd semester |
«Mediation in the context of digital culture, cyberbullying» |
Development of a group methodological project «Pedagogical design of Olympiad tasks on mediation and multicultural education for schoolchildren in grades 10-11»; development of information and educational resources to support career guidance work at the end of the project (network community for children and adults in social media, posting, chatbots on mediation terminology and navigation of universities teaching mediation, as a means of educational work) |
Peer Mediation |
2nd semester |
«Pedagogical support and career guidance for peer mediators» |
3 |
Practical training – introductory, teaching practice, Research, technological (design and technological), pre-diploma internship
1-4 semesters |
Elements of all the above modules |
Development of a questionnaire, survey or test in accordance with the theoretical and methodological foundations of mediation (1 semester, research work) |
Preparation of abstracts and participation in a conference with a report on mediation (2nd semester, research work) |
Development of an individual project to accompany a student as part of his participation in the school section on mediation at an international conference - analysis of a video recording of the speech and drawing up methodological recommendations for promoting the personal and educational growth of the student in the aspect of mediation; support for the preparation of teams of peer mediators for a competition to develop web quests on mediation topics and the subsequent development of methodological recommendations for improving the organization of creative work of students at the intersection of ICT and mediation (3rd semester, technological practice) |
Participation in playing, solving and methodically understanding cases on the topic of intercultural conflicts in education in the conditions of Yenisei Siberia (within the framework of the interregional case championship in mediation, 4th semester, pre-diploma practice) |
State final certification in the format of presentation and defense of an electronic portfolio professional and methodological achievements |
As part of mastering the methodologically oriented module «Pedagogical support and career guidance for peer mediators», students created and put into practice a collective project «Pedagogical design of Olympiad assignments in mediation and multicultural education for schoolchildren in grades 10-11», structured in the MOOC [Mezhregional'naya onlajn-olimpiada po]. From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, the master's students in the project passport justified the choice of the age category of the intended participants in the Olympiad, associated with the transition of leading activities from intimate and personal communication to educational and professional activity, which occurs at a given age. In accordance with this, the structure and topics of assignments are determined in a general cultural, interdisciplinary logic that promotes successful professional socialization in the field of mediation at the level of conceptual thinking.
Since in the second semester, in addition to the discipline «Peer Mediation», the course «Information Technologies in Professional Activities» was implemented, the project described above was of a prolonged nature. The continuation was the creation and development in social services of the network child-adult community «Multicultural mediation in Yenisei Siberia» (Fig. 1) [19], uniting peer mediators and teacher-mediators from the macroregion of Yenisei Siberia. Master's students played the role of community moderators, selected speakers for live broadcasts, were engaged in posting, selecting thematic content for publication and discussion.
Rice. 1. Fragments of the interface and content of the online community for children and adults created by undergraduates as part of their methodological training
The design and implementation of educational events was preceded by the development in the first semester of the value-semantic foundations of mediation and the restorative approach within the framework of related modules of methodological training «E-portfolio and imageology of a teacher-mediator», «Mediation culture in the professions of a teacher and educational psychologist», «Mediation as resource for the development of human ecology», «Mediation in education in the conditions of a multicultural society of Yenisei Siberia».
As a resource for online support of educational activities, the electronic portfolio is a recognized and resource-intensive means of blended learning and acts as a tool for authentic student assessment. An electronic portfolio is a pedagogically appropriate means of humanitarizing methodological training in the logic of digital transformation. Since its content is not only a representation of a professional and personal image, but also educational and methodological material that is mastered, simultaneously created, and improved during training, implemented in the context of the digital culture of self-presentation on the Internet, in the format of a digital trace with background, reflection on education and life path professional, personalized artifacts of professional and methodological activity in the form of labor products and achievements.
From the position of imageology and, accordingly, social branding as a resource for humanization, an electronic portfolio can be considered as a means of forming and developing digital identity. As well as broadcasting the value and semantic parameters of the branding object. Therefore, as part of the first stage of methodological training, students were immersed in the basics of mediation and the restorative approach, including through simulation branding of mediation, in particular, the implementation of a group creative project in the format of developing a corporate style for multicultural mediation in Yenisei Siberia (Figure 2). Master's students developed brand books in electronic document format [Atlas obrazovatel'noj polikul'turnoj; 28], where, in addition to visual constants, they defined the value-semantic parameters of mediation as a social, educational and cultural brand, that is, in interdisciplinary logic; The features of the professional portrait of a mediator were determined (Fig. 2). As a conceptual basis reflecting the values and principles of the restorative approach, most typical for mediation in the education system, the undergraduates chose the philosophical parable «Everything is in your hands», and from there they also borrowed the butterfly symbol to develop the visual component of the brand and slogan – as the basis for understanding the role mediator in the formation of the subjective position of the parties to the conflict regarding the conflict interaction.
Rice. 2. Fragments of group projects to develop a corporate style for multicultural mediation in Yenisei Siberia and an booklet explaning what is mediator of social conflicts as a profession, reflecting the value and semantic parameters of mediation as an object of branding
Humanitarianization as a condition for the effectiveness of methodological training determines the interdisciplinary aspects of mediation in the structure of the methodological readiness of a teacher-psychologist, and is ensured not only through the integrative nature of the training content, but also through the implementation of the logic of digital transformation in the conditions of blended learning, expressed in the use of Internet support resources and an electronic portfolio in interdependence with the content of education and its development.
In addition to the examples described above, which, from the point of view of the systemic logic of digital transformation, reflect the rather indirect nature of its implementation for preparation in mediation, and are associated with the development and understanding of the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the mediator’s activity as a methodologist. As part of their training, master's students also purposefully developed practice-oriented methodological resources aimed at solving professional and methodological problems, taking into account the interdisciplinary aspects of mediation. Since one of the components of methodological readiness (in particular, theoretical and methodological) is directly related to the tasks and mission of master’s training in terms of solving applied problems in professional activities using scientific methodology, then, for example, in the first semester, within the framework of research practice, master’s students it was necessary to develop and test diagnostic tools aimed at solving one or more professional and methodological tasks of a mediator in an educational organization, such as:
- professional socialization of schoolchildren in the field of mediation;
- humanitarian examination of the socio-psychological safety of the educational environment;
- study of ideas about the mediator profession and mediation as an interdisciplinary brand;
- monitoring the activities of school reconciliation services in the focus of multiculturalism and cyberbullying;
- psychological and pedagogical education in the field of mediation.
Examples of the content of questionnaires and questionnaires [Anketa «Issledovanie mediacii; Anketa «Professional'naya socializaciya], developed by undergraduates, are presented in Fig. 3. For example, future educational psychologists studied the ideas about mediation among subjects of the educational process, in particular, associative series and characters from works of art were selected for questions, taking into account the value-semantic parameters of the mediator’s activity. As part of their research practice, students prepared reports and theses on mediation for the International Conference [16].
Rice. 3. Examples of diagnostic tools in the field of mediation, developed by undergraduates as part of research practice in the first year
In the second semester, students, while solving educational and methodological problems, developed chatbots on the subject of mediation as a means of methodological support of the educational process, in particular the activities of the online child-adult community described above. Today, a chatbot is one of the most interesting and promising forms of content implementation, including in the context of blended learning, as it represents an example of the effective and interactive use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, which, due to its conversational interface, makes it possible for automated mediation between students and content [Kadeeva, 2020], which expands the opportunities for self-education inherent in master’s programs. For example, master’s students developed a practice-oriented chatbot using the terminology of the mediation approach, which can be used within the framework of psychological and pedagogical education [29].
Pedagogical support of peer mediators, acting as a propaedeutic of methodological support and a condition for mastering it, was implemented over a long period of time, both in the second and third semester. As part of the technological practice, students provided individual and group pedagogical support for the participation of talented schoolchildren in specialized mediation competitions - within the framework of an international conference, a city team competition of web quest projects (online communities, chat bots, websites, etc.). Based on the subsequent analysis of video recordings of schoolchildren’s speeches at the conference [31] and the products of activity created as part of a team competition [23], undergraduates developed methodological recommendations to ensure the effectiveness of promoting the development of schoolchildren in the field of mediation, the effective organization of creative work of students at the intersection of mediation and digital technologies.
In the final, fourth semester, master's students, as part of practical training, took part in the interregional case championship in mediation, playing and resolving cases reflecting the problems of intercultural conflicts in education in the multicultural society of Yenisei Siberia (using the example of the characteristics of the indigenous peoples of the North) [22] . Questions for solving the case were aimed not only at the substantive component of the mediator’s work in resolving the conflict, but also at the methodological understanding of cases on conflict topics.
Methodological preparation for mediation included the accumulation and recording of learning results in an electronic portfolio in the form of products of educational and methodological activities and artifacts confirming the acquired professional and methodological experience, participation or victory in an educational event. Based on the electronic portfolio, the level of methodological readiness of undergraduates for mediation is assessed upon completion of training, during the state final certification.
The maturity of methodological readiness within the framework of the pedagogical experiment was diagnosed through an expert assessment of the electronic portfolio of each graduate of the psychological and pedagogical master's program. Traditionally, a level approach to scaling results was used (0-20 points according to the criterion). The expert assessment sheet contains 5 assessment criteria directly related to methodological readiness for mediation, respectively, the maximum possible score is 100:
- the portfolio of achievements acts as a resource and information base for the implementation of practical activities (OPK-1), includes practice reporting materials reflecting the specifics of interaction with participants in the educational process, social partners in solving research problems, its leadership functions in conducting experimental work (OPK -7);
- contains scientific (articles, monographs, abstracts), educational, methodological and information publications, documents confirming participation in research projects (OPK-2);
- includes developed and used methods for organizing educational activities, psychological, pedagogical and methodological support for the implementation of basic and additional educational programs, diagnostics of children and students (PC-1, PC-5);
- contains reports on research work demonstrating awareness when conducting research work, the ability to provide psychological counseling to subjects of the educational process (PC-3), includes artifacts demonstrating the ability to self-educate, see one’s own professional prospects and build a career, awards for the results of research work (UK-6 );
- contains practice reporting materials showing mastery of methods of psychological education of subjects of the educational process (PC-6), the ability to provide psychoprophylaxis (PC-7) [Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii].
The results of the expert assessment of the portfolio in the control groups (CG) and experimental groups (EG) are clearly reflected in Fig. 4 in percentage terms, and demonstrate significant differences in the data of the pedagogical experiment in the CG and EG. In particular, a high level of formation of methodological readiness for mediation prevails in the experimental group, and an average level in the control group. In addition, the low level of readiness in the EG is lower in percentage terms than in the CG. The data obtained indicate the effectiveness of developing the methodological readiness of undergraduates in psychological and pedagogical areas for mediation in the conditions of blended learning.
Rice. 4. Formation of methodological readiness, CG and EG
In modern conditions, the contradiction between the demand for mediation in education and insufficient scientific understanding, legal and methodological support for its implementation in the context of education is becoming more urgent. Therefore, the targeted formation of methodological readiness of master's students in psychological and pedagogical areas for mediation is justified and makes it possible to ensure the pedagogically appropriate use of mediation for the prevention and resolution of conflicts between subjects of the educational process. The phenomenon of methodological readiness in relation to conflict management training is of a proactive nature and is associated with the solution of professional and methodological tasks to harmonize the psychological climate of the educational environment. At the same time, consideration of methodological readiness as a subject of research requires interdisciplinarity in the study of this pedagogical phenomenon, taking into account the specificity of the field of mediation and the professional position of the mediator of an educational organization, integrating the functions of a teacher, methodologist and mediator.
As part of this study, a methodological approach was developed to prepare undergraduates in psychological and pedagogical fields for mediation, which is based on the integration of the principle of humanitarization and blended learning technology. Methodological readiness is an integrative, activity-based characteristic of the personality of a professional mediator, expressed in his ability to design and solve professional and methodological problems, taking into account the interdisciplinary aspects of mediation. It is formed and revealed in methodological creativity, in the design and implementation of methodological activities. It is advisable to determine the range of professional and methodological tasks of a mediator of an educational organization through the competencies and labor functions enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education 3++ in the direction of 44.04.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (master's degree), Professional standards of a teacher-psychologist and mediator.
The conducted research represents one of the options for developing a promising theoretical and practical problem of methodological preparation for mediation; it does not pretend to be a complete disclosure of all aspects of the topic raised. The described theoretical and practical developments can be extrapolated and continued by other educational organizations.
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Information About the Authors
Total: 508
Previous month: 19
Current month: 15
Total: 171
Previous month: 4
Current month: 3