Psychological Science and Education
2019. Vol. 24, no. 6, 5–15
ISSN: 1814-2052 / 2311-7273 (online)
Social Representations About School and Learning in Different Groups of Participants of the Educational Process
General Information
Keywords: social representations, school, study, Unified state exam (USE), teenagers, teachers, parents
Journal rubric: Educational Psychology
Funding. The study was supported by Moscow State University of Psychology and Education within the research project "Development of methodological Arsenal for monitoring educational motivation".
For citation: Tolstykh N.N., Ter-Avanesova N.V., Chernyak N.A. Social Representations About School and Learning in Different Groups of Participants of the Educational Process. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2019. Vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 5–15. DOI: 10.17759/pse.2019240601. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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