Methodological aspects of the design of individual educational routes



The article points out that, despite the recommendations made on the state level, the concept of individual education still has not found its own value niche and practical implementation in general teaching activity. The author stresses that up to date, the individualization of the educational process is understood by many institutions as subject orientation and level differentiation of the educational process. In practice, the organization of individual education by teachers, is limited to the selection of teaching methods, textbooks and manuals, content of elective classes, clubs, and special courses. We propose a solution to this problem by organizing pedagogical support, based on the paradigm of learner- centered education, the concept of its individualization, the principles of respect of human rights and freedoms, tolerant relationship of teachers and students. We state that the individual educational route (IER) is a structured program of student’s activities at a fixed stage of training, aimed at the development of his individual abilities. The latter can be implemented in several educational routes that are implemented simultaneously, or sequentially. The structure of individual educational path design is represented by three stages: self-determination, route design, its documentation. In conclusion, we distinguish conceptual stages of learning technology design, and state that the research results can be used in the design of variable models of academic disciplines in educational institutions.

General Information

Keywords: innovation process, educational technology, heuristic learning, educational routes, control, monitoring and evaluation system.

Journal rubric: Educational Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Koldaev V.D. Methodological aspects of the design of individual educational routes. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2013. Vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 15–22. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

V. D. Koldaev, PhD in Technology, Associate Professor, Chair of Computer Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications, National Research University of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia, Moscow, Russia



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