«Manchurian Princess» by A. Heidok and «Spring in a Small Town» by Xiao Hong: Comparative Analysis



The article compares two works — «Manchurian Princess» by Russian emigrant writer A. Heidok and «Spring in a Small Town» by Chinese writer Xiao Hong, which were created in approximately the same epoch and reproduce the same place of action — the north-east of China. Heidok’s work appealed to the mystical ideas of Chinese culture (the idea of reincarnation); Xiao Hong’s work was deeply influenced by Russian classical literature. Both stories present a story of tragic love, which breaks the traditions of a conservative society and radically changes the lives of the characters. The meaning of the characters’ lives lies in returning to the true nature of man — love, because only in it does existence find meaning; at the same time, the theme of love is closely intertwined with the theme of death. In both works there is an intersection of different epochs — the past and the present; at the same time, it is the past that determines the course of events of the present. Specific situations of the characters’ lives are revealed in a broad historical and cultural space, which allows the author to put before the readers the most important ethical and philosophical problems. A. Heidok’s story shows how life in the previous birth influences the actions of a person in subsequent births; in Xiao Hong’s story «the past» is the power of tradition, which does not allow a girl to get an education and determine her own destiny.

General Information

Keywords: Xiao Hong, A. Heidok, realism, romance

Journal rubric: World Literature. Textology

Article type: scientific article

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17759/langt.2023100309

Funding. The publication of this article was financially supported by Heilongjiang Provincial Education Department Science Foundation (Project no. 145109150), Heilongjiang Provincial Economic and Social Development Foundation (Project no. WY2021060-C) and Qiqihar University Master's Department (Project no. JGXM_QUG_2022008 and Project no. JGXM_QUG_2022025).

Received: 01.09.2023


For citation: Gao C., Qiao Y., Gao Ya. «Manchurian Princess» by A. Heidok and «Spring in a Small Town» by Xiao Hong: Comparative Analysis [Elektronnyi resurs]. Âzyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2023. Vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 84–97. DOI: 10.17759/langt.2023100309. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Chunyu Gao, Professor, Institute of Foreign Languages, Qiqihar University, PhD student, Perm State National Research University, China, e-mail: liubochunyu@163.com

Yu Qiao, MA student, Institute of Foreign Languages, Qiqihar University, China

Yan Gao, MA student, Institute of Foreign Languages, Qiqihar University, China



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