The singularity of the language situation in terms of the process of linguistic borrowings (foreign fragments)



This article is devoted to the problem of the language situation in the process of linguistic borrowings. The present research is focused on the study of the borrowings in Russian language from English language in modern times. The present research examines the borrowings in different areas of language and human communication.

General Information

Keywords: borrowings, Russian language, international term, national language, literary language

Journal rubric: General and Comparative Historical Linguistics

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Koroleva A.M. The singularity of the language situation in terms of the process of linguistic borrowings (foreign fragments) [Elektronnyi resurs]. Âzyk i tekst = Language and Text, 2015. Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 6–10. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

A. M. Koroleva, a post graduate student at the faculty of foreign languages of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education., Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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