Foreign studies of learning motivation: XXI century



The article provides an overview of foreign (Western) researches in the field of academic motivation conducted in the United States, Europe and Canada over the past two decades. It presents the main provisions of the twelve most influential theories: Control-value theory of achievement emotions, Achievement goal theory, Attribution theory, Expectancy-value theory, Goal-setting theory, Theory of interest, Need for achievement theory, Possible selves theory, Self-determination theory, Self-efficacy theory, Social belongingness theory, Transformative experience theory, and also the Implicit theories of intelligence. Some of these theories appeared long ago, often more than half a century ago, but were subsequently expanded and/or modified. Some are articulated in recent years. In most theories of great importance is attached to the role of cognitions and cognitive processes in the process of learning, to the role of goal-setting, emotions in general, as well as to the student's identity and his/her relationships with parents, teachers and peers

General Information

Keywords: motivation, emotions, academic motivation, achievement motivation, self-determination, self-efficacy, learning, cognition, school

Journal rubric: Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Psychology

Article type: scientific article


For citation: Nikitskaya M.G., Tolstykh N.N. Foreign studies of learning motivation: XXI century [Elektronnyi resurs]. Sovremennaia zarubezhnaia psikhologiia = Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology, 2018. Vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 100–113. DOI: 10.17759/jmfp.2018070210. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Maria G. Nikitskaya, PhD in Psychology, PhD in Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Nataliia N. Tolstykh, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Division Head of the Social Psychology of Development, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Editor-in-Chief of the International Scientific Publication Social Psychology and Society, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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