“Modern foreign psychology” is a psychological journal which publishes analytic reviews of foreign English-language research literature on various branches of psychology and related sciences.
Specialist area according to the existing nomenclature of scientific specialties corresponds to qualification 19.00.00 – “Psychological sciences”.
Frequency: 4 issues annually
Date of the first publication – March 2012
Access: access through Internet telecommunication network.
The Journal is accessible at the following web address: https://psyjournals.ru/en/journals/jmfp
Aims and objectives
The journal “Modern foreign psychology” sets the following tasks and objectives:
- participation in widening the information space of Russian scholars through familiarizing them with modern tendencies and up-to-date issues of current theoretical, empirical and applied studies in contemporary foreign psychology and related sciences.
- participation in shaping the image of present-day standards of experimentation and scientific presentation which are used in scientific issues of Europe and the USA.
- creating conditions for activating international cooperation and scientific exchange in the field of psychology and related sciences.
Editor-in-chief – Ermolova Tatiana Victorovna, Ph.d. (Psychology), head of the chair of foreign and Russian philology in Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.
The Journal “Modern foreign psychology” contains the following sections.
- Cognitive Pedagogy
- Developmental Psychology and Age-Related Psychology
- Educational Psychology and Pedagogical Psychology
- General Psychology
- Labour Psychology and Engineering Psychology
- Legal Psychology and Psychology of Safety
- Medical Psychology
- Neurosciences and Cognitive Studies
- Psychology of Special and Inclusive Education
- Social Psychology
The journal is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the List of leading scientific journals and publications for the publication of scientific results of dissertation research, peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of Doctor of sciences should be published. It was incorporated in 2018.
Journal’s scope (according to the list of scientific branches):
- 5.3.1. – General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology (Psychological Sciences). Since 01.02.2022.
- 5.3.4. – Educational Psychology, Psychodiagnostics of Digital Educational Environments (Psychological Sciences). Since 01.02.2022.
- 5.3.5. – Social Psychology, Political and Economic Psychology (Psychological Sciences). Since 20.03.2023.5.3.7. – Developmental Psychology (Psychological Sciences). Since 20.03.2023.
- 5.3.8 – Correctional Psychology and Defectology (Psychological Sciences). Since 20.03.2023.
- 5.3.9. – Legal Psychology and Security Psychology (Psychological Sciences). Since 20.03.2023.
- 5.12.1. – Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Processes (Psychological Sciences). Since 20.03.2023.
- 5.12.1. – Interdisciplinary Studies of Cognitive Processes (Philosophical Sciences). Since 20.03.2023
- 5.12.3. – Medical Psychology (Psychological Sciences). Since 23.01.2024
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