Bezdenezhnyh B.N., Medyntsev A.A., Alexandrov Y.I. System Organization of Behavior, Connected with the Voluntary and Involuntary Assessment of Time Intervals of Various Duration pp. 5–18 PDF (in rus.) 862
Nosulenko V.N., Starikova I.V. Comparison of Sounding of Musical Fragments That Differ in the Way of Encoding pp. 19–34 PDF (in rus.) 882
Barabanschikov V.A., Diveev D.A. The Role of Facial Contour in Perception of Individual Psychological Features of a Person pp. 47–66 PDF (in rus.) 1620
Zhegallo A.V. Temperamental Predictors of Categoriality of Perception of Facial Expressions pp. 67–77 PDF (in rus.) 713
Velichkovsky B.B. Performance Capabilities of Cognitive Training as a Method of Correcting Age-related Decline in Cognitive Control pp. 78–91 PDF (in rus.) 4423
Voronin A.N., Kochkina O.M. The Structure of Language Abilities in the Process of Development of Discursive Practice pp. 92–110 PDF (in rus.) 1778
Panyukova J.G. Empirical Studies of Structural Organization of Psychological Representation of Spatially-Subject Environments pp. 111–122 PDF (in rus.) 1464
Marchenko O.P. Experimental Studies in the Field of Psychology and Neuroscience at the International Conference «Physiology of Human Development» pp. 123–127 PDF (in rus.) 779