Teaching Chess on the Basis of the Refletiive-Activity Approach in the Context of the Problem of Gaining Legal Capacity: a Case from Practice



The relevance of the study is due to the reform of social protection and the need to find resources to restore legal capacity to disabled people living in residential facility for people with mental disabilities (PNI). The study was conducted as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation of those living in PNI, aimed at restoring their capacity to work. The purpose of the study is to test the possibility of using chess for the cognitive and personal development of those living in PNI, as an important condition for improving their mental health. The article provides an analysis of the case of Anton, aged 30 (name and biographical data have been changed), who was legally recognized as incompetent and has been living in PNI for three years. Classes according to the technology "Chess for General Development" were conducted during the year by psychologists–consultants working by means of a reflective–activity approach in order to promote the acquisition of legal capacity. Specific events during this year that contributed to Anton's cognitive and personal development against the backdrop of constant progress in chess are analyzed. It is shown how these events and the growing self–confidence led to a gradual change in Anton's social status (he gets a job, leaves the boarding school, returns to his family, stops taking medications in agreement with the doctors). It also shows the stability and positive dynamics of these positive changes over the next two years. Based on the method of situational–vector analysis, it is shown how, in the course of chess lessons with the support of consultants, resources were increased in the form of strengthening the subjective position, developing reflection and increasing self–efficacy, which contributed to the positive dynamics of development towards gaining legal capacity.

General Information

Keywords: social protection reform, comprehensive rehabilitation, residential facility for people with mental disabilities, reflexive–activity approach, Chess for General Development technology, multi–dimensional model of the zone of proximal development, situational–vector analysis, legal capacity to act

Journal rubric: Case study

Article type: scientific article

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17759/cpp.2022300405

Received: 30.10.2022


For citation: Sidorenko A.A. Teaching Chess on the Basis of the Refletiive-Activity Approach in the Context of the Problem of Gaining Legal Capacity: a Case from Practice. Konsul'tativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya = Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2022. Vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 76–96. DOI: 10.17759/cpp.2022300405. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Anna A. Sidorenko, School № 218, Master of the UNESCO Chair «Cultural And Historical Psychology Of Childhood» MSUPE, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: Sidorenkoanna050@gmail.com



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