Kholmogorova A.B. Two conflictory methodologies for psychotherapy and its efficiency research: seeking a way out pp. 5–25 PDF (in rus.) 1260
Karyagina T.D. Philosophical and scientific contexts of an empathy phenomenon pp. 50–74 PDF (in rus.) 3096
Pogodin I.A. Gestalt-approach in the therapy of a mental trauma: the dialogue-phenomenological model pp. 75–97 PDF (in rus.) 5778
Agenosov M.V. The altered states of consciousness that arise in psychotherapist during work with schizophrenia patients: complication of psychotherapy or its tool? pp. 124–150 PDF (in rus.) 1508
Kutuzova D.A. Psychological help: on the side of social reforms or on the side of social control? Contemporaneous critical social work abroad pp. 166–187 PDF (in rus.) 1091
Pavlovsky A.I. Gestalt-approach in the methodology of outreach social work pp. 188–213 PDF (in rus.) 2033
Norambuena M.D., Fedunina N.Y. Health and illness: two worlds – real or illusional pp. 214–219 PDF (in rus.) 880