Greetings from Our Foreign Colleagues


General Information

Journal rubric: Memorable Dates

Article type: congratulation


For citation: Perret-Clermont A., Wertsch J.V., Francis D., Dafermos M., Daniels H., Veresov N.N., Vasilev V.K., Levterova D., Veggetti S.M. Greetings from Our Foreign Colleagues. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2018. Vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 30–40. DOI: 10.17759/chp.2018140405. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)

A Part of Article

Dear Vitaly, the celebration of your 70th birthday is a wonderful opportunity to thank you for many reasons. First, for your remarkable contributions to educational theory and practice. Standing on the shoulders of your important predecessors, aware of the role of social interactions for cognitive development, you have drawn attention to the need to consider not only adult-child but also child-child interactions. This has led you to invite educators and researchers to investigate with care the organization of the relationships in which students get involved in group work. You have found that cooperation is not sufficient. Reflection on the joint activity should be built into the pedagogical tasks to foster second-level understanding and facilitate the transition to a more efficient activity and to a further development of students' skills. This is an important inspiration for my on-going research work.


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  2. Davydov V.V. Problems of developmental learning, Moskva: Akademija. 2004.
  3. Davydov V.V., Rubtsov V.V. Development of the bases of reflexive thinking of schoolchildren in the process of activity. Novosibirsk, 1995.
  4. Rubtsov V.V. Psychological features of the organization of educational activities in the formation of the theoretical concept. Research of intellectual abilities and educational activity of the younger schoolboy. Yerevan. 1975.
  5. Rubtsov V.V. Communicatively-oriented images of the environment. Moscow: Psychology of design, RAO, 1996.
  6. Rubtsov V.V. Fundamentals of Socio-Genetic Psychology. Moscow, Voronezh, 1996a.
  7. Rubtsov V.V. Social interactions and training. Psychological science and education, no. 2
  8. Rubtsov V.V. (ed.) Moscow Psychological School. T. 1—4. Moscow: Psychol. Inst. RAO, 2004.
  9. Rubzov V.V. Per un'organizzazione efficace del contesto di apprendimento a scuola, (School organization as the context of effective learning) "Studi di Psicologia dell'Educazione", 2005, no. I, pp. 123—135.
  10. Rubtsov V.V. Social-genetic psychology of developmental education: activity approach. Moskva: MGPPU, 2008, pp. 6—416; pp. 88—137.
  11. Rubtsov V.V. To the 100th anniversary of the Psychological Institute, Nestor history. Moscow-Saint Petersburg, 2012, pp. 5—919.
  12. Rubtsov V.V. Cultural and historical scientific school: problems posed by L.S. Vygotsky. Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2016, no. 3, pp. 9—14. doi:10.17759/chp.2016120301. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
  13. Rubtsov V.V., Margolis A.A., Guruzhapov V.A. Cultural-historical type of the school. Psychological Science and Education, 1995, no. 4. See also Rubtsov V.V. 2008, p. 210—231.
  14. Veggetti M.S. La Comunicazione.Psicologia dell'educazione e pedagogia (Communication in psychology and pedagogy). Rome: Aracne, 2018.
  15. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology. Moscow: Prosveshenie, 1926; Moscow: Pedagogika, 1991², 1996³. Davydov V.V. (ed.). Moscow: Pedagogy.
  16. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speaking. Moscow / Leningrad; 1934; the same // Vygotsky L.S. Selected psychol. writings. Moscow: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1956. the same. Collected. Works: In 6 vol. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1982. Vol. 2.
  17. Vygotsky L.S. History of development of higher mental functions. Moscow: APN of the RSFSR, 1960; the same. Collected works: 6 vol. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1983. Vol. 3.
  18. Zukerman G.A. Types of communication in learning. Tomsk: Peleng, 1993.

Information About the Authors

Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont, Doctor of Psychology, Prof. Dr. h.c., Prof. emer. in psychology and education of Institute of psychology and education, University of Neuchâtel, Neuchatel, Switzerland, e-mail:

James V. Wertsch, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Director of the McDonnell International Scholars Academy, honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Education, member of the editorial board of the journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology”, St. Louis, USA, ORCID:, e-mail:

David Francis, PhD in Psychology, Chairman of the Department, Director, estimates and statistics, University of Houston, Houston, USA, e-mail:

Manolis Dafermos, PhD in Philosophy, Professor of Epistemology of Psychology, Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, University of Crete, Crete, Greece, ORCID:, e-mail:

Harry Daniels, PhD, Professor, Fellow of Green Templeton College, Department of Education, Oxford, Great Britain, e-mail:

Nikolay N. Veresov, PhD in Psychology, PhD, associate professor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Member of the editorial board of the journal “Cultural-Historical Psychology”, Melbourne, Australia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Veselin K. Vasilev, Doctor of Psychology, professor, Chair of Psychology, University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ORCID:, e-mail:

Dora Levterova, Professor, dean of Education faculty, University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski", Plovdiv, Bulgaria, e-mail:

Serena M. Veggetti, PhD in Psychology, Full professor of General Psychology, Chair of Psychopedagogy of Communication, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, ORCID:, e-mail:



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