Inclusive Approach as a New Paradigm in Russian Higher Education: Facts and Patterns of Development



The article deals with topical issues of ensuring accessibility and quality of higher education for disabled people. The theoretical and methodological foundations and prerequisites for the development of higher inclusive education reflect the current state of this problem in Russia. The study involved 10 universities in the North Caucasus Federal District, where more than 70% of disabled people are enrolled in the total number of students with disabilities. The results of joint work that affect the social situation in the region in the field of inclusive education for disabled people consist in high quantitative coverage of the target audience, popularization of this direction in the development of education in the media, and the formation of partnerships among project participants based on the productive use of each other’s resources. The identified problems and opportunities of the network of partner universities made it possible to outline the main trajectories of the development of higher inclusive education and to specify them in terms of relevance and feasibility.

General Information

Keywords: inclusive education, students with disabilities, university-partner

Publication rubric: Inclusive Higher Education: Developmental Trends in Russia and Abroad

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Borozinets N.M., Shapovalov V.K., Kozlovskaya G.Y., Palieva N.A. Inclusive Approach as a New Paradigm in Russian Higher Education: Facts and Patterns of Development. Developing inclusive higher education: the network approach,, pp. 14–21.


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Information About the Authors

Natalia M. Borozinets, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Defectology, North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Valery K. Shapovalov, Doctor of Education, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education, North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia, e-mail:

Galina Y. Kozlovskaya, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Correctional Psychology and Pedagogy, North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Nadezhda A. Palieva, Doctor of Education, Associate Professor, Advisor to the Rector, North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol, Russia, e-mail:



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