Factors and Agents in Developing Students’ Digital Literacy



The results of a study are presented, the purpose of which was to identify the role of social practices and agents in the formation of digital literacy of students in the process of cyber socialization. The evolution of the concept of digital literacy is shown from technical interpretation as a skill in the use of IT technologies, to emphasizing the cognitive aspect and defining digital literacy as the ability to contextualize ICT technologies in various spheres of life. The framework was based on the DigitalCompSAT digital literacy model, based on five meta-competencies. As a hypothesis, a statement was put forward about the uneven influence of practices and agents on the meta-competence of digital literacy. A standardized survey was conducted among high school students and students of the secondary vocational education system to identify key factors of cyber socialization and their impact on the level of digital literacy. The survey was conducted online in Tomsk and the Tomsk region. The findings highlight that educational institutions are not the only source of digital literacy. The informal digital educational environment, including communication and gaming practices, plays a significant role in cyber socialization; these practices are carried out through interaction with peers and older relatives. In conclusion, it is noted that an ecosystem view of the processes of cybersocialization allows us to see the complex impact of various factors on the formation of digital skills. It emphasizes the importance of integrating non-formal educational practices into educational strategies and argues that, given the complex dynamics of cyber socialization, a more flexible and adaptive approach to teaching digital literacy is required.

General Information

Keywords: digital literacy, digital divide, cybersocialization, monitoring, system of general and secondary vocational education

Publication rubric: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching in a Digital Educational Environment and Issues of Digital Didactics

Article type: theses

Funding. The reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation, project No. 22-28-20001, https://rscf.ru/project/22-28-20001/ and funds from the Administration of the Tomsk Region.

For citation: Glukhov A.P., Solomina I.G. Factors and Agents in Developing Students’ Digital Literacy. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2023),, pp. 641–652.

Information About the Authors

Andrey P. Glukhov, PhD in Philosophy, associate professor, Head of Laboratory, Research Laboratory of Cybersocialization and Formation of a Digital Educational Environment, Institute for the Development of Pedagogical Education, FSBEI HE "Tomsk State Pedagogical University" (TSPU), Leading Expert, Innovation Laboratory, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Tomsk, Russia, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9919-5316, e-mail: glukhovap@tspu.edu.ru

Irina G. Solomina, junior researcher, Laboratory of cybersocialization and formation of a digital educational environment, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Analyst Institute of Education, Laboratory of Innovations in Education, HSE, Tomsk, Russia, e-mail: solomina@tspu.edu.ru



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