Organizational and Technological Aspect of the Implementation of the Model of Methodological Support of Teachers



The article deals with the issues related to the organizational and technological aspect of methodological support of teachers' professional activities in a digital educational environment. The model of methodological support is presented, which includes the following components: methodical office, methodical studio, methodical project. The structure of meetings within the methodological studio is revealed: entering into a situation, exercise, workshop and reflection. An important issue of discussion in the article is the concept of "methodical game", which is reflected through the method of game modeling. The main groups of elements of game modeling: the problem field of content, the game environment, game cooperation, methodological support allow us to reflect the semantic content of this concept. The materials of the article are aimed at improving the model of the methodological support system in the digital educational environment.

General Information

Keywords: methodological support, digital educational environment, moderation, methodical office, methodical project, methodical studio, methodical game

Article type: scientific article

Acknowledgements. The authors thank Marina Efimovna Weindorf-Sysoeva, the project's scientific supervisor, for her help in collecting data for the study

For citation: Vyun N.D., Tikhonovetskaya I.P. Organizational and Technological Aspect of the Implementation of the Model of Methodological Support of Teachers. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2022): Collection of Articles of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. November 17-18, 2022 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2022., pp. 23–38.


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  7. Tikhonovetskaya I.P., V'yun N.D. Metodicheskaya igra kak forma metodicheskogo soprovozhdeniya pedagogov v usloviyakh tsifrovoi obrazovatel'noi sredy [Methodological game as a form of methodological support of teachers in the conditions of the digital educational environment]. Shamovskie pedagogicheskie chteniya: Sbornik statei XIV Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. V 2-kh chastyakh, Moskva, 22–25 yanvarya 2022 goda = Shamov Pedagogical Readings: Collection of Articles of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference. In 2 parts, Moscow, January 22–25, 2022. Moscow: Nauchnaya shkola upravleniya obrazovatel'nymi sistemami, Mezhdunarodnaya akademiya nauk pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya «5 za znaniya», 2022, pp. 329-334.

Information About the Authors

Natalie D. Vyun, Moscow Pedagogical State University (IFTIS MPGU), Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Inga P. Tikhonovetskaya, State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 111 of Minsk”, Moscow Pedagogical State University (IFTIS MPGU), Minsk, Belarus, ORCID:, e-mail:



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